Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Ok, so can any of you business folks provide an example of a company going through a similar situation that DID rebound?
Some companies operate like this for ages, but it usually is more of a utility that has a lack of competition (Cable companies, airlines, power companies). But VMP is a luxury product so don't hold your breath.

When it comes down to a company like this bouncing back, it usually requires a change a leadership. Either through a board forcing it's hand, or a buyout. Either way, I think until we see a new C-Suite in house, this ship will continue it's course. And given that Matt Fielder is also the listed CEO of the VC which owns VMP, I don't think we'll see a boarding forcing a change in leadership.

At this point, we should be hoping for a buyout instead of shutdown. But honestly, because VMP is the 4th largest record seller it might be hard to buy them out. It would certainly make whomever buys them out a distance #1 record seller in the world. Some companies might not want to take that volume or expense on.
Holy shit. That was a read!!

Wow they're really falling apart fast. Seems like they need more money and ALOT more time, but I wonder if they had it.....what would they do with more???

Happy I got out of there a few months back. Otherwise I'd be out here like Big Worm when he found out Craig n Smokey smoked his shit.

Actual picture of "the fellas" leaving VMP offices this morning
Another funding round coming right up then.. Fucking hell. No wonder they haven’t had anyone able to reply to the query backlog when they’ve thrown all their resources at WHITEWASHING CRITICAL COMMENTS THAT ARE FAIR, HONEST AND JUST IN THEIR CRITICISM. Spineless company run by spineless people. How anyone can justify continuing to support them I do not know.

Hold tight the Reddit brethren in charge of the sub, they’ll try to come for your platform next. (And to use their full name in the hopes it increases the chances of appearing in any innocent newcomer or potential investors’ searches,) Vinyl Me, Please shut down their own forum because they couldn’t deal with the criticism of their own incompetence and it would look bad to investors, they’re now actively censoring comments on their social media because it’d look bad to investors. How about you run your business correctly so it’s attractive to investors on its own merit?
in 2015 the top 5 were...

While we on the subject, this is interesting also.

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I did NOT know MoFi was doing Supernatural. I will gladly double up on album I already have for that one.

I have the original LP release of Supernatural. I believe it was digitally recorded. Also it has zero dynamic range. None. It's just loud on top of loud.

A better pressing won't fix this underlying problem. If they could actually remix it using an engineer that wasn't stone deaf, I might be interested. As much as I generally love MoFi albums, save your money on this one. You can't polish a turd.