Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I just keep thinking about how people got mad about me telling them that the migration was going to be a guaranteed shitshow on reddit, so they should watch their VMP accounts for any issues or changes.

I'm alarmist, you know.

Also, every time I see @CCKrone post on here, I have 2 thoughts go through my head. The first is that I usually agree with the comment and I think you're spot on. The other thought, you probably already know, if you remember responding to me on the old forum when I said to get back to me in a few weeks and you guaranteed that your positive feelings about VMP would never change, while defending them and suggesting that everyone else was overreacting, but you're more... I don't know... realistic or less entitled or something to that effect.

It didn't even take that long and you were justifiably and effectively punching them in the throat on the forum cancelation announcement thread. #Darkside

Not to put you on blast, but I mention this for a couple of reasons. The first is that I like seeing your comments now and it's an elephant for me, even if it's only in my room. The second is because I remember making a comment at one point on the old forum myself, defending Storf on something where it felt like people were getting worked up and going at him a little hard for whatever it was. A lot of us probably have at one point or another, before recognizing the magnitude of how much they actually do fuck everyone over.

We all keep discussing this weird dynamic at play and the gaslighting and sychophants, but, while these tactics are greasy and adolescent, they've proven fairly effective at convincing members to gaslight each other without realizing it. If we weren't us, we'd probably look crazy to us. Nobody could reasonly be expected to anticipate the levels of incompetence and lack of respect for their customers that they've gone on to display without experiencing it first hand. VMP knows that there's always going to be new members with good intentions showing up wanting to discuss records and being greeted with what appears on it's face to be entitled maniacs overreacting to a simple record delay. They kind of bank on that idea that there is an endless supply of new customers that will be understandably skeptical of the rantings of a bunch of angry redditors.

First off, thank you, I'm glad that my comments here are making sense and appreciated.

I do remember this conversation on the forum and when the announcement happened, I was pretty angry because I had recently joined the forum and enjoyed getting the heads up on releases that were about to be put up on the store (either for sale or to preview) as well as feeling like I was part of a community. What I didn't know at the time was that out of the ashes of that forum, a far greater forum would be created that we are using today. I don't say that last comment with any intention other than to say thank you to those who have played a role in creating and/or moderating this forum.

As for the change in my attitude towards VMP, perhaps it was inevitable, perhaps I was naive, perhaps I just got tired of seeing everyone screwed over including myself. I still have hope that they will right the ship but it is getting hard to ignore their disregard for their customers time and time again.
To be honest, I'd be surprised if anybody at VMP outside of Storf and Pauly know how much of a shit show it was. Nobody there communicates with anybody else.
THIS!!! ^^^ It has been my one take away from the circus I am witnessing. When we as customers (outsiders), see this lack of communication with us, then 9/10 its the same way, or worse, internally.
While all of the negativity is incredibly well-earned, and I've had my fair share of complaints (has anyone who's on Classics received their December box, or even a shipping notice, yet?), I want to note that my Wild Flag showed up last week. There was no damage to the jacket, and the record is flat and plays clean. It also happens to be one of the prettiest records I own.

Wild Flag.jpg

This doesn't make them any better than Newbury, but still made my week better.
While all of the negativity is incredibly well-earned, and I've had my fair share of complaints (has anyone who's on Classics received their December box, or even a shipping notice, yet?), I want to note that my Wild Flag showed up last week. There was no damage to the jacket, and the record is flat and plays clean. It also happens to be one of the prettiest records I own.

View attachment 26221

This doesn't make them any better than Newbury, but still made my week better.
Oh that does look pretty neat. Would get it if it weren’t already so cheap to get elsewhere
First off, thank you, I'm glad that my comments here are making sense and appreciated.

I do remember this conversation on the forum and when the announcement happened, I was pretty angry because I had recently joined the forum and enjoyed getting the heads up on releases that were about to be put up on the store (either for sale or to preview) as well as feeling like I was part of a community. What I didn't know at the time was that out of the ashes of that forum, a far greater forum would be created that we are using today. I don't say that last comment with any intention other than to say thank you to those who have played a role in creating and/or moderating this forum.

As for the change in my attitude towards VMP, perhaps it was inevitable, perhaps I was naive, perhaps I just got tired of seeing everyone screwed over including myself. I still have hope that they will right the ship but it is getting hard to ignore their disregard for their customers time and time again.

When I see those comments on reddit now, it's mindboggling to watch people defend it saying, "my order's fine" or "the migration is just gonna make everything better." These people are surrounded by flames at all times.

As with here, the whole forum was spread out a bit, it wasn't 100% fucked in every crevice, although when you came there, it began to bleed slowly into every place. I'd imagine you'd probably go into one place to discuss something and see someone bitching, go into another unrelated thread and see someone else complain. It makes sense. This situation on reddit though... I don't know. Who could read this wrong?

I mean, I don't really think "naivety" even fits here, regarding your optimism way back -- we've all had it -- because that suggests something you should have been aware of. Why should anyone expect a record club to set fire to itself this way? I don't know about anyone else, but, even after everything, I was still blindsided by the forum shutdown. Maybe that was naive, too, in retrospect.

For someone feeling like they found a community, people complaining about what seem like non-issues could also feel like those people are a detriment to it. In reality, it was often a reflection of the community when we had each other's backs. A lot of people got off the fence quick with that shut down announcement and it was really unifying. I remember seeing you go in on them and thinking, "oh shit!" because you were on that before I even saw the post or knew it was happening.

I think most of us are pretty realistic about how much VMP doesn't give a shit about us. Believing they shut down the forum for any justifiable reason or some long term plan for our benefit would be naive. Although, finally responding with a forum that can't get away from them like this wouldn't surprise me. I bought the Fiona. I bought the Mobb Deep. We do what we do and we make decisions based on what works for us as individuals. I have no expectations they will improve, but if they pull off some miracle, more power to them. I'd be happy to see them make things right for anyone getting the shaft, but I'm obviously skeptical as to how that would happen. If/when they don't, I'm just filling up some extra gas canisters.
As well as the people who purchased that random drop of Blossom, De La, Queen, and others...
I am a Blossom purchaser with low expectations. Nothing that I ordered in November has shipped. I am waiting on Blossom, Jay Som, and a Caribou replacement. I cancelled amid the full blown shit show they've become so I have no December RoTM coming.