Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I dont follow the discogs system as i can find everything myself for how i have it organized.

I keep Alice Cooper under A because it was a band before it became a person. If it was always an artist, then itd be filed under C.
I have too many records and too little memory to find everything without some occasional assistance.
Do you put everyone by first name then?
First off HOW DARE YOU!!
Btw, @TenderLovingKiller®, this isn't a mocking question. Genuinely curious. I used to sort by discogs, but I like a little more separation between some genres now.
Secondly, yeah all the Bob’s, all the Tom’s all the Steve’s and all the John’s are grouped together sitting together side by side.

I would to separate by Genre but I like too many artists that are “genre fluid”. Do I keep Wilco with The Rock titles or Alt Rock or Country? I don’t wanna think about that when I am looking for a record.

Plus you get some fun neighbors like Sister Rosetta Tharp next to The Skull Snaps and Slayer.
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JFC you people are making me think about work on this most solemn and sacred Canalandia holidays, Victoria Day.

File your records how you want but to do it correctly you need to ignore the first A or The etc.

Now back to thinking about what I should have for lunch.

I'm at a parade AND engaging with this!
First off HOW DARE YOU!!

Secondly, yeah all the Bob’s, all the Tom’s all the Steve’s and all The John’s are grouped together sitting together side by side.

I would to separate by Genre but I like too many artists that are “genre fluid”. Do I keep Wilco with The Rock titles or Alt Rock or Country? I don’t wanna think about that when I am looking for a record.

Plus you get some fun neighbors like Sister Rosetta Tharp next to The Skull Snaps and Slayer.

Youre thinking to much dont sub genre your genre sections. I keep mine simple:

Rap/Hip Hop

And then all my japanese artists/bands are together subdivided into the Rock/Metal, Pop, and Jazz