Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Or, ya know, they cleared a ton of inventory space for records that weren't selling and got people to subscribe for a year or longer while adding on tracks and buying store exclusives on top of it.

Not every place that has sales is on the verge of bankruptcy.
Didn’t make the assertion you mentioned in your last sentence, but ok 👍🏻

In reference to your initial sentence, It could be. I don’t know a lot about their business strategy currently. I am aware that they changed the modeling at least three times while I was a member.

However, the timing of their inventory clearing ‘sale’ coupled with the court filings this year would, to me anyway, indicate less of a loss leader strategy and more leveraging non-forecasted revenue to prop up either overspending on a new venture (hello VMP pressing plant) or an unbalanced capital structure. The firings/layoffs of staff coupled with the C-Suite shakeup are also factors that could contribute to that theory.

However, short of additional filings that help to illuminate the situation, we’re all just speculating. 😎