Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

FWIW in the discord Storf said the applicable records are currently down until the sale goes live.

I wonder if this is why The Border was Waitlist Me, Please when I went to buy it the other day.
That said, if it comes up for $20 tomorrow I can use my $20 credit and not have to put $8 on my wife's credit card, so I'll take it!
I wonder if this is why The Border was Waitlist Me, Please when I went to buy it the other day.
That said, if it comes up for $20 tomorrow I can use my $20 credit and not have to put $8 on my wife's credit card, so I'll take it!
It’s gone now. I wonder what the other three are. I assume this all goes live at noon as always?