Vinyl Me Please Classics

Have just streamed the Sonny Rollins album. Hoping it grows on me, as I wouldn't have rushed out and bought it based on the first listen.

I'm subscribed to Classics and this will be my last month with vmp, maybe im just sad that its the end of an era, and maybe disappointed that this month wasn't Monk or Mingus haha
Have just streamed the Sonny Rollins album. Hoping it grows on me, as I wouldn't have rushed out and bought it based on the first listen.

I'm subscribed to Classics and this will be my last month with vmp, maybe im just sad that its the end of an era, and maybe disappointed that this month wasn't Monk or Mingus haha
I don't think it would be at the top of anyone's list of greatest Hard Bop albums. It is a good listen though. The price makes it a harder sell for me.
I don't think it would be at the top of anyone's list of greatest Hard Bop albums. It is a good listen though. The price makes it a harder sell for me.
Yeah from my existing Sonny Rollins albums (The Bridge, Saxophone Colossus, Alfie), the new one would currently be fourth choice. Jazz is a peculiar thing tho, so who knows in future 😁

I'm pleased for everyone who likes the album of the month choice tho!
Idk bout y'all but I can never have to many good jazz albums. Jazz is such a funny thing in that you revisit certain albums in such specific moments that its just amazing to have so many options from artists to choose from. Its not as cut and clear as "Okay I love Sonny Rollins so I'm always going to grab The Bridge when I'm in the mood for him". Like with Miles, a majority of the time I want to hear Miles I grab Someday My Prince Will Come but others may grab Sorcerer or Kind of Blue, and as the years go by what I grab for changes. I really use jazz to set a tone and carry an energy through my living space and for that reason having albums like Freedom Suite is really attractive to me and its this type of curation that I find really exciting. The seminal albums will always get reissued in bigger, better, and more colorful ways but I find the more lowkey albums in an artists catalogue to be just as interesting. This is why I think the Tone Poet series has been so successful, its brought all these kickass albums that aren't necessarily revered as THE albums to own and shows you just how deep and rich and consistently great the genre as a whole is. As a result my interest in jazz has EXPLODED because there is just that much good shit out there. You can't help but discover something new every time you listen and I loOooOve that. Think this is a stellar pick by VMP honestly.
Idk bout y'all but I can never have to many good jazz albums. Jazz is such a funny thing in that you revisit certain albums in such specific moments that its just amazing to have so many options from artists to choose from. Its not as cut and clear as "Okay I love Sonny Rollins so I'm always going to grab The Bridge when I'm in the mood for him". Like with Miles, a majority of the time I want to hear Miles I grab Someday My Prince Will Come but others may grab Sorcerer or Kind of Blue, and as the years go by what I grab for changes. I really use jazz to set a tone and carry an energy through my living space and for that reason having albums like Freedom Suite is really attractive to me and its this type of curation that I find really exciting. The seminal albums will always get reissued in bigger, better, and more colorful ways but I find the more lowkey albums in an artists catalogue to be just as interesting. This is why I think the Tone Poet series has been so successful, its brought all these kickass albums that aren't necessarily revered as THE albums to own and shows you just how deep and rich and consistently great the genre as a whole is. As a result my interest in jazz has EXPLODED because there is just that much good shit out there. You can't help but discover something new every time you listen and I loOooOve that. Think this is a stellar pick by VMP honestly.

I'd agree. I got to jazz late. Like in my mid 30s late so playing catch up has been a blast and I find while Ive moved on most of my VMP hip hop in particular I've kept every jazz album I've bought and Im looking forward to having this... The only issue I have is that my dog is terrified of free jazz. It spooks the shit out of him so I rarely get to spin that genre and have found its kinda gave me a huge preference for the more melodic and classical side of the genre
Possibly me too. I can't get far enough in to a record without him going totally bananas and mega wigging out to find out.
I appreciate a nice improvised run but when that is the whole thing it loses me. I am late to the Jazz genre also but currently I am good with Hard Bop, Soul Jazz, and Fusion for the most part, maybe if those styles become too mundane I will give Free Jazz another go but for me I am just glad I figured out what Styles I enjoy.
I appreciate a nice improvised run but when that is the whole thing it loses me. I am late to the Jazz genre also but currently I am good with Hard Bop, Soul Jazz, and Fusion for the most part, maybe if those styles become too mundane I will give Free Jazz another go but for me I am just glad I figured out what Styles I enjoy.

Its weird but when Ive picked stuff like Tone Poets releases I've looked around to see what the best reviewed are. Most rave about Black Fire or Contours but I found my favourite to be the Gill Evans... Closely followed by Grant Greens Nigeria and then Clubhouse by Dexter Gordon. Actually made me feel a bit lacking in invention for a brief period but, you know, I like what I like.