Vinyl Me Please Anthology

If you saw my status I just got off from speaking with Matt and Llyod and will be meeting up with Llyod in person so there will quite a bit of additional feedback given. Sorry @Mr Moore I didn't get to your question, there wasn't a natural place to insert it but I will have it down for the in person

While it wasn't life-altering it was decent
You got to talk to THE Lloyd Star?? He’s real??
Yep, I got out for reasons that have been well-documented on this forum (not related to the Anthology), but man, this has been an utter shit show. Errors, big and small, with every single release so far.

And that's not including what's going on in the main club right now with fulfillment issues and poor inventory management. So glad I can let the expense and stress roll off.

I'm off to drink a glass of water.
My VMP money for next month went to Mr. Bongo already. Anthology and the stuff I already ordered and am waiting for are my last VMP purchases and I’m pretty happy about it.