To continue from the Klipsch thread..
My understanding from the original owner is that he didn't roll the tubes at all, so I assume these are at least mostly original (in this pic I had already replaced the OA3's with some NOS Sylvanias.. which I removed and put the originals back in because the Sylvanias hummed with the Heresy's).
It currently has the Valve Art 274B, Tung Sol EL34's, Amperex Gold Pin 6922 (red tipped and I understand these are picked by Steve himself so likely original and apparently not cheap). Not sure what the OA3's are to be honest as there are no markings on them that I can see.
To me, all sounds as it should at this point other than a slight "graininess" at higher volumes.. but I have no reference point to be honest.
I have a full compliment of tubes arriving Monday.. I am trying Mullard EL34's (Cryo) and Gold Lion E88C/6922 (Cryo, Kevins stash) from Upscale, a NOS Raytheon 5u4G, and a pair of NOS RCA/GE OA3's.
I think for my own education, I'm going to replace them one type at a time and get an idea what does what. Best route? Or should I throw them all in at once and see what changes overall first and then maybe go back and try other combos? Any advice on what you'd do? Any recommendations as to which to try switching first if doing 1 by 1 is the best idea?
Any advice would be appreciated.