The Needles & Grooves May 2024 Omniversal Spin Challenge Arkestra

May 18 - Ancient Aiethopia

Other side of the continent (Atlas Mountains in Morocco). William S. Burroughs called them a 4000 year old rock band and I kind of agree. Feels primordial. Also has one of the best album titles.
Master Musicians of Jajouka - Apocalypse Across the Sky (on the mighty Axiom label)
I absolutely love what y'all have been putting up through this challenge; thank you, and keep up the great work!

I definitely find myself wishing I'd worked on the write-ups leading into this month so I could be a little more on track with those. That said, I'll be finishing them off for sure, even if it takes me into next month to do so.

For the meanwhile, the next batch of songs is up!
May 15 - Children of the Sun

Herbie Hancock - Promise of the Sun

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Day 15 - Children of the Sun


Pulsallama - Pulsallama

Do the Children of the Sun go to the Temple of the Sun?

Side note: I am the only person on this forum to have ever brought up this album and I will keep bringing it up until more people check it out! It’s 18 minutes of pure fire and fun
May 15 - Children of the Sun

I just searched "Children" in my Discogs collection and am playing something I wanted to's pretty much how I pick every record on challenges.

Disturbed – The Lost Children
Reprise Records – 528610-1, 2011/2018

B-Sides Compilation

#RSD18 - limited to 4000 copies

Cut by Chris Bellman
Pressed at Record Industry

