Sending some love for your vote

Voted, all the best! Absolutely fell into 'Haven't Seen You in Awhile' - beautiful track.
Happy to hear you fell in love with a Muddy What? Original. :love:
...And that guitar solo! 🥰

Thank you for your kind words and I'll forward the love.
Sending some love to all you lovely people who've already voted!
Please let me know if you'd like to receive a personal card from the band. 💌
229 days later, finally another concert.

Same procedure as every year, James.

Since we all know that last year didn't really happen and although Muddy What? won the German Blues Challenge because of you, they didn't have a chance to go to Memphis - and maybe even touring to a place near you.
That's why here's another attempt to rectify this - once again with a little help from our friends. 💝

And here's how you can help:
Muddy What? is nominated for the German Blues Challenge 2021 (voting ends in eight days) - if you’d like to vote, you can follow this link:


And because this page is in German only, I have pasted the Google Translator link.
You'll just have to register and vote for them - no need to fill out the whole form.
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