Record cleaning - what's your method?

Gonna ask here because it's the best place I can think of: what do you do with non-generic sleeves if you replace them with MoFi inners or some other inner swap? Like if you have a printed sleeve or a cardboard inner that's got some kind of design to it, do you just keep it in the record or store it somewhere else? Seems like if I try to stuff a printed inner and MoFi into the same sleeve it's usually too tight.
Gonna ask here because it's the best place I can think of: what do you do with non-generic sleeves if you replace them with MoFi inners or some other inner swap? Like if you have a printed sleeve or a cardboard inner that's got some kind of design to it, do you just keep it in the record or store it somewhere else? Seems like if I try to stuff a printed inner and MoFi into the same sleeve it's usually too tight.
If it's a gatefold I'll usually put the printed sleeve in the middle, otherwise if it's too tight I put it behind the jacket in the outer.
Gonna ask here because it's the best place I can think of: what do you do with non-generic sleeves if you replace them with MoFi inners or some other inner swap? Like if you have a printed sleeve or a cardboard inner that's got some kind of design to it, do you just keep it in the record or store it somewhere else? Seems like if I try to stuff a printed inner and MoFi into the same sleeve it's usually too tight.

For generic paper or poly lined I bin them and replace them with the sleeve city ones. For printed inners I use the u type inners and slot them inside the printed inner sleeve.
Gonna ask here because it's the best place I can think of: what do you do with non-generic sleeves if you replace them with MoFi inners or some other inner swap? Like if you have a printed sleeve or a cardboard inner that's got some kind of design to it, do you just keep it in the record or store it somewhere else? Seems like if I try to stuff a printed inner and MoFi into the same sleeve it's usually too tight.
I store the records in rice paper sleeves behind the jacket in the outer. Generic sleeves get tossed. Printed inners go back in the jacket.

I use gatefold sleeve for gatefolds (use vss modulars or whatever they’re called to make trifold sleeves) and store similarly.
Anyone ever get small flecks of paint off a disc? I bought a copy of Miles Davis' "Water Babies" the other day and when I got home the disc had all these flecks on the disc. Before I take it back to the shop figure this might be a good opportunity to see what the process would be to clean this record.
Anyone ever get small flecks of paint off a disc? I bought a copy of Miles Davis' "Water Babies" the other day and when I got home the disc had all these flecks on the disc. Before I take it back to the shop figure this might be a good opportunity to see what the process would be to clean this record.
I wouldn't even try, but if you're desparate, Neil Antin, "pacvr", might be able to help. I see him on SH forums and Audiogon all the time. He's pretty much a guru when it comes to vinyl cleaning chemicals.

He's very approachable so pop on over and hit him up. No Himalayan mountain climbing involved.
Paint?? Are you sure it’s not just grains of other-color vinyl that got mixed in?
it's got the raised texture of droplets on the disc and its just tiny little things too.


feels like paint to me.
I've never had that but I did have some kind of adhesive/glue/something stuck in grooves that took like five passes through the RCM before it was playable. If it is indeed paint I imagine an enzyme cleaner would do a lot of the heavy lifting