Pre-Order Thread

Cold Spring in for the 10-year cash grab: of COIL/NINE INCH NAILS "remixes" - RECOILED

One review:

When I first bought this back in 2014, I was pretty unimpressed with the music and figured they were just demo mixes and ideas that were not fleshed out much at all. I sold the record shortly after that first listen as the pressing was absolutely trash, and the remixes were mostly pretty uninteresting. Recently I saw a copy in a shop for a decent price and thought I'd give it a second chance... well, the pressing is definitely just as bad, and I only just now read into what these mixes actually are - just Danny Hyde trying to replicate and then finish some old ideas but in a very modern fashion (Ableton...). It has a few moments worth listening to, but as a whole just kinda comes off as a cash grab. If you're a completist for either NIN or Coil this might be worth picking up... but I definitely regret buying this a second time. Ah well.

Danny also chimes in on Discogs (his only post)

Only for NIN / Coil completists. I got one a few years back for around $17, it's OK.


