Pre-Order Thread

Why have the mods do something when we got @Dead C who can rip him a new one.

The entrepreneur kids really take that whole Shark Tank “failure is success” mantra too seriously though, or they just listen to too much Chumbawumba.... because as clear as it is made to them that something isn’t working they just keep banging their head against the wall trying to figure out how to make a square peg fit into a round hole.

If anyone is interested in the Clams Casino vinyl I mentioned a short while back, you need to sign up your email to receive a buy link tomorrow. Limited quantities of course.
We just landed Bright Eyes // Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was (IEX) (Red/ Orange Vinyl) on the Vinylmnky pre-orders list!
View attachment 56713

You're a good 3 weeks late on this, unfortunately.

This demonstrates zero effort, man. We have a search bar.
This spambot dink edition looks pretty mint though
Silver Star Edition (Indies Exclusive):
...and of course: VMP Edition
My post was deleted. I was messaged with an accusation of "doxxing" -- presumably for posting a company's public address? -- and threatened with a ban.

I looked at this as a space we were expected to protect and self regulate. If these are the only situations where admins plan to interject and apply authority, then it feels like something is desperately off around here.
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My post was deleted. I was messaged with an accusation of "doxing" -- presumably for posting a company's public address? -- and threatened with a ban.

I looked at this as a space we were expected to protect and self regulate. If these are the only situations where admins plan to interject and apply authority, then it feels like something is desperately off around here.
I would appreciate an admin speaking to this. If the only problem with the post was including the address, couldn't that have been edited out? The rest of it was useful information for the community, IMO. I for one haven't been paying close enough attention to realize that this account is only being used to serve us ads for vinylmnky and appreciated it being called out.

EDIT: Wait, I just went back to look. The post itself hasn't been deleted, just the address was edited out. Seems reasonable to me, if not strictly necessary.