Political Discussion

Trump's shit stock dropped below $10 this morning. 2/3 wiped out. How many of his supporters lost their shirt on this scam?

They don’t care.
The problem with stocks is they fall then rise then fall then rise....and in the case of people supporting him/the stock any huge dip is going to be met with hivemind "they're trying to crash the stock because it's a Trump stock"

On the other hand when it rises 200% in 3 days to go back over 35$ (today's price) they're going to believe it's due to overwhelming outside support 'joining the good fight'....Nothing good will come of this lol I also anticipate that stock will hit over $100 a share as the November date approaches
House Republicans have attached TikTok Ban as part of the Foreign Aid bill.

China has responding by ordering WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, and Threads be removed from the App Store and Google Play in China citing security concerns with the apps.

Essentially, saying the same thing the US is about TikTok.
Do we know why someone set themselves on fire outside the trial?
Matt Groening is like, why am I getting so many Twitter hits today...
Matt Groening is like, why am I getting so many Twitter hits today...
It’s good to know that his research revealed the real truth about “Marge Vs. The Monorail” this whole time I had the wool pulled over my eyes thinking it was a parody/homage to the 1957 Meredith Wilson Broadway Musical, The Music Man.