Online Vinyl Deals

I’ll keep trying to get it from target. If they eventually cancel then I’ll look to maybe pick up a few things from BBE bandcamp
That shipping fee though... I like buying direct or via bandcamp, but would need to buy at least a few to make shipping worth it. The Masaru Imada is the first BBE reissue that has landed on my radar, any other recommendations?
This is amazing and now I want it, but shipping from GB suuuuuucks.
should be available elsewhere! their stuff is getting more and more distribution. those JJazz comps are really awesome--think there are 3 volumes now. last time i was in London I stopped in their shop and they told me they are working on repressing all 3 volumes (think they repressed 2 of the 3 so far recently).
More McCartney today...

should be available elsewhere! their stuff is getting more and more distribution. those JJazz comps are really awesome--think there are 3 volumes now. last time i was in London I stopped in their shop and they told me they are working on repressing all 3 volumes (think they repressed 2 of the 3 so far recently).
Discogs FTW! Also, I don't need to buy any more records this December. I already have several I am putting under the tree.
More McCartney today...
