Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Actually, now getting it tomorrow as Dallas County just texted me. We’re full speed ahead here in Big D.
  • A new report from the Center for Countering Digital Hate and Anti-Vax Watch found that most of the anti-vaccine content circulating online can be tied to 12 people.
  • The list includes prominent people who oppose vaccines, such as Robert F. Kennedy, whose Instagram account was permanently removed earlier this year.
They've been dubbed the "Disinformation Dozen": 12 individuals or organizations are tied to up to 65 percent of anti-vaccine content circulating on major social media networking sites, according to an analysis of popular anti-vaccine content on Facebook and Twitter.

This is super interesting to me. I've been thinking about how (and why) SO many people I know personally ignore literally thousands of experts to believe a thin line of information. This laser of of lies cuts through the large balloon of accurate, science-based, researched information.
This is super interesting to me. I've been thinking about how (and why) SO many people I know personally ignore literally thousands of experts to believe a thin line of information. This laser of of lies cuts through the large balloon of accurate, science-based, researched information.
Because it matches the narrative they are most comfortable with.
This is also very interesting to me and if you start to read why we accept or reject information, you start to see how flawed human logic really is.
Real-world effectiveness of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines - study by the US CDC.

Health care workers were followed for 3 months after vaccination and participants were tested weekly by PCR if no symptoms appeared or immediately if symptoms appeared. So this study accounts of asymptomatic infections.

People receiving only 1 dose, 14 days after dose: vaccine effectiveness 80%
People receiving the full 2-dose course, 14-days after 2nd dose: vaccine effectiveness 90%

Apparently forging vaccination cards is a thing. Also, sometimes I hate people.

Since Monday, Walker and Sparks have, combined, posted more than half a dozen TikTok videos calling out health-care workers who’ve talked online about forging or attempting to forge vaccine cards. And they say other users have sent them dozens more tips they haven’t been able to verify.
I live in NY (and, yes, am over 30) so just became eligible today. I figured getting an appointment once I was eligible would be next to impossible (or at least, require more effort than I was willing to exert) for at least a couple of months. But I checked this morning and was able to pretty easily secure an appointment for my first shot about 2 weeks from now.
Some good news on the vaccination front:

  • The share of U.S. adults who report being vaccinated for COVID-19 or intending to do so as soon as possible continues to rise (currently 61%) and the share taking a “wait and see” approach continues to shrink (now 17%), while the share who say they will “definitely not” get the vaccine (13%) has remained about the same since December, according to the latest KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor. Black adults saw the largest increase in vaccine enthusiasm (55% of them now say they have either gotten vaccinated or want to as soon as possible), but one-quarter of Black adults say they still want to “wait and see” how the vaccine works for others before getting vaccinated, somewhat higher than the share of White adults who say the same. About three in ten Republicans and White Evangelicals say they will “definitely not” get the vaccine, as do one in five adults living in rural areas.

The whole paper is good but this is the tl;dr. Vaccine hesitancy is dwindling as the vaccine is proving 100% effective against death and very highly effective against hospitalization, which is a big thing for those people that are vaccine hesitant.
Going back into full lockdown tomorrow starting 8pm. :(

A variant wildfire is hitting my area. Luckily, a lot of the older generation and health care workers have had a dose and they're working on the 65+. But the infection curve has been steep and it's much younger people hitting ICU now.... and it's all pretty much because there is a weak adhesion of the measures in place - it's uncanny how our modelisations from two weeks ago are spot on with the low adhesion predictions.

Damn it, this thing just couldn't go down quietly, could it?
Going back into full lockdown tomorrow starting 8pm. :(

A variant wildfire is hitting my area. Luckily, a lot of the older generation and health care workers have had a dose and they're working on the 65+. But the infection curve has been steep and it's much younger people hitting ICU now.... and it's all pretty much because there is a weak adhesion of the measures in place - it's uncanny how our modelisations from two weeks ago are spot on with the low adhesion predictions.

Damn it, this thing just couldn't go down quietly, could it?
This is the exact situation we're in here in Michigan....well barring the full shutdown....but, that's coming. Numbers are going way up, younger people are hitting the ICU's, bar/restaurants are at full capacity, and mask wearing is at a new low. Soon, the people packing the bars and not wearing masks are all going to blame our Governor again, when we go into Lockdown 3, even though it'll be the Health Department mandating it. Haha. I wish this wasn't so easy to predict.

I went into a gas station this morning and only 2 of the 6 customers in the store were wearing masks. Needless to say, I will no longer be going there. Maybe they traveled down here from Northern Michigan and think they've hit Texas already?
In some good news, Pfizer-BioNTech announced that their real-world preliminary data suggests that their vaccine is highly effective against the South African variant. Numbers are still very low, but the efficiency is 100% so far (that will come down with time, but the trend line is promising).
This is the exact situation we're in here in Michigan....well barring the full shutdown....but, that's coming. Numbers are going way up, younger people are hitting the ICU's, bar/restaurants are at full capacity, and mask wearing is at a new low. Soon, the people packing the bars and not wearing masks are all going to blame our Governor again, when we go into Lockdown 3, even though it'll be the Health Department mandating it. Haha. I wish this wasn't so easy to predict.

I went into a gas station this morning and only 2 of the 6 customers in the store were wearing masks. Needless to say, I will no longer be going there. Maybe they traveled down here from Northern Michigan and think they've hit Texas already?
You think we're headed for another shutdown? I know our numbers are spiking here but I haven't heard any chatter about that yet.
I don't think any governor is going to call for a shut down, especially if you're in a red state.
Well, we have a blue governor. Whitmer was harshly criticized by many MI residents for her strong restrictions last spring, and even had an alleged kidnapping plot against her. I don't know if that means she wouldn't put us in lockdown again though. I do know that I'm almost ready to be out and about again, with my second shot coming next week. I'm just floored that we're spiking all the while SO many people I know have gotten at least one dose.
You think we're headed for another shutdown? I know our numbers are spiking here but I haven't heard any chatter about that yet.
I certainly hope we're not, but the numbers and the amount of people being careless trend toward it. My girlfriend is a bartender and she has heard it through the wire from Liquor Distributors and Management about the previous 2 before they happened. There are rumblings again. Apparently it depends on the numbers after Easter and everyone returning from Spring Break. If the numbers rocket because of those two things, we could see another one. Of course, past rumors don't mean anything for current events, but that's just what I've heard.

I have both of my shots, as I work with the utility company, and I still worry about transmitting to people. It's crazy to me that something as simple as wearing a mask to protect other people is too much for these idiots I'm seeing around. Like, even if I didn't think COVID was as deadly as reported, I'd still wear a mask because it is a very very minor thing to do.