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Going back to "Karen's" argument there, I heard the same thing from my father.

He father is one who strongly believes that the requirement to wear a mask violates his rights and refuses to do so. Being required to wear a masks is unconstitutional and an overreach of government power that they do not have.

But I heard a new one from him last night.

He said I should join a few different class action lawsuit against different stores requiring customers to wear masks. Says there is a good chunk of money to be made and I'll likely be able to pay off my student loans. Also that the lawyers are going to make bank from all this.

He says any store requiring you to wear a mask is in violation of ADA once you notify them that you have a medical condition that prevents you from being able to wear a mask. Once you disclose that information they can not ask you about that medical information and if they do you are not required to prove personal medical information to them. Also that denying you access to to enter the store / business is discrimination of a disability.

Attorneys nationwide are filing cases about this now. While it's slow to get started right now as many courts have COVID-19 restrictions, things will get going once we open back up and every store in violation will be paying.

Apparently in the underground Q Anon sections of the internet he hangs out in, there is a directory of all the cases you can join against different stores / businesses.

I guarantee once they get to court they will have to prove a disability.
I guarantee once they get to court they will have to prove a disability.

With most large class action lawsuits, you may never have to actual talk to the lawyers or appear in court.

You just fill out an application to join the class action lawsuit. If that application does not require you to provide proof you may not need to.

I'm sure it's fraud if you are caught lying on the application, but that rarely happens.

For example, the Common Ground Coffee class action lawsuit. They are giving a check to people who bought the coffee in certain states. It's was something like $150 I think. The class action lawsuit claims they advertised their k cups as freshly ground coffee but actually filled them with instant coffee.

My father has never had the coffee, nor is any New England state in the lawsuit. The coffee is not sold in this region.

My fathers answer to this is "This is where you remember buying some Common Ground Coffee while on vacation".

No proof of purchase is required. You just have say you bought it.

Since retiring my father has been supplementing his income with all kinds of class action lawsuits like this :mad:
With most large class action lawsuits, you may never have to actual talk to the lawyers or appear in court.

You just fill out an application to join the class action lawsuit. If that application does not require you to provide proof you may not need to.

I'm sure it's fraud if you are caught lying on the application, but that rarely happens.

For example, the Common Ground Coffee class action lawsuit. They are giving a check to people who bought the coffee in certain states. It's was something like $150 I think. The class action lawsuit claims they advertised their k cups as freshly ground coffee but actually filled them with instant coffee.

My father has never had the coffee, nor is any New England state in the lawsuit. The coffee is not sold in this region.

My fathers answer to this is "This is where you remember buying some Common Ground Coffee while on vacation".

No proof of purchase is required. You just have say you bought it.

Since retiring my father has been supplementing his income with all kinds of class action lawsuits like this :mad:
An admitted, active liar and fraud should be dismissed on pretty much everything else they have to say as well, imho.
TX update-

steady increase in rates of new confirmed cases and deaths since reopening a few weeks ago.

the governor is pointing to ramped up testing being the reason, but word is the Texas DSHS is mingling antibody test results with the viral numbers, skewing the test/currently infected/recovered numbers. we are still lagging waaaaay behind on tests per capita rate.

we are the most uninsured state in the nation, but we are the world's 10th largest economy so giddyup!
Going back to "Karen's" argument there, I heard the same thing from my father.

He father is one who strongly believes that the requirement to wear a mask violates his rights and refuses to do so. Being required to wear a masks is unconstitutional and an overreach of government power that they do not have.

But I heard a new one from him last night.

He said I should join a few different class action lawsuit against different stores requiring customers to wear masks. Says there is a good chunk of money to be made and I'll likely be able to pay off my student loans. Also that the lawyers are going to make bank from all this.

He says any store requiring you to wear a mask is in violation of ADA once you notify them that you have a medical condition that prevents you from being able to wear a mask. Once you disclose that information they can not ask you about that medical information and if they do you are not required to prove personal medical information to them. Also that denying you access to to enter the store / business is discrimination of a disability.

Attorneys nationwide are filing cases about this now. While it's slow to get started right now as many courts have COVID-19 restrictions, things will get going once we open back up and every store in violation will be paying.

Apparently in the underground Q Anon sections of the internet he hangs out in, there is a directory of all the cases you can join against different stores / businesses.
This is the reason I have to deal with dumb asses bring their fucking dogs into the grocery store but I digress...

Good news is the folks that are suing would need to prove that they had an ADA condition and weren’t just assholes (which will be pretty tough). If you’re someone with a medical condition and went out to a store and went up to a Manager and quietly and respectfully explained the situation I am sure they would accommodate you. These shithead are looking for confrontation and YouTube views. These pricks are actually harming the folks that genuinely can’t wear a mask. It is like vaccinations, babies and people with medical conditions can’t get vaccinated so they rely on all the healthy people to inoculate properly to protect them via herd immunity.
With most large class action lawsuits, you may never have to actual talk to the lawyers or appear in court.

You just fill out an application to join the class action lawsuit. If that application does not require you to provide proof you may not need to.

I'm sure it's fraud if you are caught lying on the application, but that rarely happens.

For example, the Common Ground Coffee class action lawsuit. They are giving a check to people who bought the coffee in certain states. It's was something like $150 I think. The class action lawsuit claims they advertised their k cups as freshly ground coffee but actually filled them with instant coffee.

My father has never had the coffee, nor is any New England state in the lawsuit. The coffee is not sold in this region.

My fathers answer to this is "This is where you remember buying some Common Ground Coffee while on vacation".

No proof of purchase is required. You just have say you bought it.

Since retiring my father has been supplementing his income with all kinds of class action lawsuits like this :mad:
I hope you get to have some interactions with your dad where he doesn't completely suck.
Going back to "Karen's" argument there, I heard the same thing from my father.

He father is one who strongly believes that the requirement to wear a mask violates his rights and refuses to do so. Being required to wear a masks is unconstitutional and an overreach of government power that they do not have.

But I heard a new one from him last night.

He said I should join a few different class action lawsuit against different stores requiring customers to wear masks. Says there is a good chunk of money to be made and I'll likely be able to pay off my student loans. Also that the lawyers are going to make bank from all this.

He says any store requiring you to wear a mask is in violation of ADA once you notify them that you have a medical condition that prevents you from being able to wear a mask. Once you disclose that information they can not ask you about that medical information and if they do you are not required to prove personal medical information to them. Also that denying you access to to enter the store / business is discrimination of a disability.

Attorneys nationwide are filing cases about this now. While it's slow to get started right now as many courts have COVID-19 restrictions, things will get going once we open back up and every store in violation will be paying.

Apparently in the underground Q Anon sections of the internet he hangs out in, there is a directory of all the cases you can join against different stores / businesses.

Typically, legitimate medical issues that are not obvious to the eye (e.g. the wheelchair bound person) comes with some kind of paperwork or card that puts the buisness/ person on notice and advises of the limitation without disclosing any HIPAA protected information. Ever see a person with internal metal hardware (like a spinal fusion or pins in a joint) try to go through the metal detector at an airport? They carry a card identifying the issues that they can give to the TSA to avoid issues. Same thing. Even your emotional support peacock requires and ESA letter before the Airline will issue a ticket for you and your bird.

The only way the civil tort claims would have any teeth against the corporate entities would be if there was a diagnosed verifiable disability, some some level of notice beyond the blatant lies being told by Karen about her "mask" disability (like the official documentation being ignored) an actual verifiable harm that could be proven.

Notably, at best, this Karen's damages at this time are limited to the gas she used to drive to the Supermarket. No plaintiff's counsel is going to take her case over a $35/tank of gas.

Moreover, there is no constitutional right for access to a business. Ever heard of "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service?" Just add "No Masks" to that list". Otherwise, the argument that mask wearing orders by the State or barring Karen from the Store was a violation of her rights, would require a showing that there is no "rational basis" for the state's discrimination (upon which the Store is clearly relying) against the class of the disabled Karens who cant wear masks. I would hope an astute lawyer would argue that preventing an outbreak of COVID-19 in SoCal is rationally related to the states interest in denying entry to mask wearers, regardless of their disability status.

The only attorneys going to make bank on this are: 1) the Insurance Defense attorneys retained to defend the corporate clients against these cases and 2) plaintiff's counsel who manage to convince their clients to allow them to pursue these claims on an non-contingency fee basis.

That's because all the "real" lawyers are government shills who own stock in masks.
Hey now... 😏
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Typically, legitimate medical issues that are not obvious to the eye (e.g. the wheelchair bound person) comes with some kind of paperwork or card that puts the buisness/ person on notice and advises of the limitation without disclosing any HIPAA protected information. Ever see a person with internal metal hardware (like a spinal fusion or pins in a joint) try to go through the metal detector at an airport? They carry a card identifying the issues that they can give to the TSA to avoid issues.
truth. as a young adult, I was given a card to present in case I set off radiation detectors while flying.

also, people like Shelley are the same ones in arms over topless swimming holes in Texas because what about their children??? fuck off. order your secret private valuable things with your private money over the internet from that Bezos asshole. I bet he agrees with you, so you can go support a business that aligns with your values!
Have you seen the “Shopping Cart Theory”? I feel like it relates to a lot of this. My grocery store parking lot is full of errant assho...err Shopping carts.
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I have given the best side eye of my life to people that don't return shopping carts. Then I go get their shopping cart and put it back myself, still side eyeing the hell out of the selfish nitwit fuckwad assface.

I clearly have feelings about this.
I have given the best side eye of my life to people that don't return shopping carts. Then I go get their shopping cart and put it back myself, still side eyeing the hell out of the selfish nitwit fuckwad assface.

I clearly have feelings about this.
Yes, but I will give a pass to anyone that is over 7 months pregnant and/or has a child with them who is unable to walk. Other than that, be a good person and return your shopping carts!

What in the actual fuck is his problem? This is killing people and he decides to double down on it.

I want to go find every single Trump supporter and whomp them upside the head in an attempt to knock some sense/intelligence/reason/anything-resembling-human-behavior into them.