Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 47 - May 2023 /// Ages and Ages "Me You They We"

More as in what the hell is an alpha city or an alpha + city etc and can anyone seriously convince me that it’s not utter nonsense that I didn’t ever need to know about?

As for the the mental mess of the month, that’s fine, keep going, chaos rules!
I couldn't think of a word to describe the city for the riddle, since the song name is literally just the name of the city. I looked in wikipedia to find if there were any formal classifications that I could reference for cities that are "world class" (whatever that means) and ended up here, haha.

Also, it's one of the European alphas on that list.
Also, just to keep in mind for the Level 3 riddles - they would also need to fit the Level 3 clue (which has already been solved: PIANO SOUNDS).

And, another hint is that both of the artists for Level 3, Riddles #7 and 8 have performed in a super bowl in the last ten years.
also, in Spotify, on this band's page, both Doves and the Secret Machines are listed under the "Fans also like" section, but this band doesn't show up on those band's pages in that section.