N&G AoTM /// Vol. 59 - May 2024 /// Laura Stevenson - Cocksure


Well-Known Member
So, it seems I’ve been given the keys to run this thing yet again… here goes nothing!

Hello, forum friends. I’m excited to be your host for another month and have the opportunity to share an album that I love very dearly with all of you. Last time I did this, some of my clues (befitting the cryptic nature of the artist and album I chose) were maybe a bit too challenging and obscure; this time, I'm going to try to make it slightly less discombobulating for everyone, but hopefully we are in for another month of Gappy chaos all the same!

I assume at this point, most of you know the drill. Clues will hopefully start filing in either today or tomorrow, the first person to correctly guess the AOTM will be sent a copy, yada yada...

Without any further ado, let's get this thing on the road!
Reserved for Guesses!

Okkervil River - I Am Very Far (guessed by @Fillip J Phry)
Crash Test Dummies - God Shuffled His Feet (guessed by @avecigrec)
Elliott - U.S. Songs (guessed by @jt4527)
The entire Post Malone discography (guessed by @avecigrec)
Lana Del Rey - Honeymoon (guessed by @NewsFedora)
Graeme Miller & Steve Shill - The Moomins (guessed by @avecigrec)
Tom Jones - What's New Pussycat? (guessed by @jt4527)
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Also, just a sidenote before we get started: while I’m still sticking with one sole record I’ve chosen to be my “proper” AOTM, after dealing with some price and availability issues with my last choice, I’ve been toying with the idea of also throwing some “AOTMs-that-might-have-been” in the mix as we go. These would be records that I ended up not picking for one reason or another, in some cases because I was unsure how widely available they’d be for all members. In doing research in anticipation for this thread, it became increasingly more difficult to find records that were both reasonably priced and well stocked, and since I’ve admittedly been out of the vinyl-buying game for a couple years, I'm not 100% sure how attainable certain albums are for the forum members who live in areas outside of the US. This is all to say that, while I obviously want everyone to listen to the AOTM I’ve chosen, at the end of the month I ultimately urge everyone to go with the choice that is most agreeable to their budget and personal tastes. The last thing I want to do is cause any unnecessary expenses for anyone, so hopefully when all is said and done, everyone will be able to add some great new music to their collection for a hopefully not-exorbitant price :D