
Minari was a nice watch with beautiful cinematography and great acting but I wasn’t as totally taken by it as I wanted to be. Still a lot I admire about it though. And the kid in it stands out. Tenet, how do the cars drive? Like, is the engine running in reverse (I’m not a car person, but am I correct in saying you can’t just drive a car in reverse gear at highway speeds?), or just like you have to sorta will yourself to drop an inverted bullet in order to pick it up, you gotta will yourself to drive the car backwards? At the part where the normal car and the inverted car were driving back to back, were they basically running from one another, or was there a different thing happening? If you turn on the radio, is the music backwards, or would a reversed radio signal be un-pickuppable?

I dunno, I’m not a Cinema Sins type of critical viewer, but I spent more time trying to wrap my head around the movie’s self-imposed logic than I did just taking it in. It was an entertaining movie, but super serious about itself and every time it hinted at a more thoughtless, fun movie, it tripped over itself trying to feed me vegetables.

Also, the movie would’ve slapped so much harder if you reversed Pattinson and Debicki’s casting.
Nolan would’ve been able to still cash in on “protagonist motivated by dead woman,” Debicki would have had more agency, and Pattinson/Branagh playing a same-sex version of the tired spy trope of “deranged warlord and his lover/captive” would have been all the more fascinating. Tenet, how do the cars drive? Like, is the engine running in reverse (I’m not a car person, but am I correct in saying you can’t just drive a car in reverse gear at highway speeds?), or just like you have to sorta will yourself to drop an inverted bullet in order to pick it up, you gotta will yourself to drive the car backwards? At the part where the normal car and the inverted car were driving back to back, were they basically running from one another, or was there a different thing happening? If you turn on the radio, is the music backwards, or would a reversed radio signal be un-pickuppable?

I dunno, I’m not a Cinema Sins type of critical viewer, but I spent more time trying to wrap my head around the movie’s self-imposed logic than I did just taking it in. It was an entertaining movie, but super serious about itself and every time it hinted at a more thoughtless, fun movie, it tripped over itself trying to feed me vegetables.

Also, the movie would’ve slapped so much harder if you reversed Pattinson and Debicki’s casting.
Nolan would’ve been able to still cash in on “protagonist motivated by dead woman,” Debicki would have had more agency, and Pattinson/Branagh playing a same-sex version of the tired spy trope of “deranged warlord and his lover/captive” would have been all the more fascinating.
A: an egg timer Tenet, how do the cars drive? Like, is the engine running in reverse (I’m not a car person, but am I correct in saying you can’t just drive a car in reverse gear at highway speeds?), or just like you have to sorta will yourself to drop an inverted bullet in order to pick it up, you gotta will yourself to drive the car backwards? At the part where the normal car and the inverted car were driving back to back, were they basically running from one another, or was there a different thing happening? If you turn on the radio, is the music backwards, or would a reversed radio signal be un-pickuppable?

I dunno, I’m not a Cinema Sins type of critical viewer, but I spent more time trying to wrap my head around the movie’s self-imposed logic than I did just taking it in. It was an entertaining movie, but super serious about itself and every time it hinted at a more thoughtless, fun movie, it tripped over itself trying to feed me vegetables.

Also, the movie would’ve slapped so much harder if you reversed Pattinson and Debicki’s casting.
Nolan would’ve been able to still cash in on “protagonist motivated by dead woman,” Debicki would have had more agency, and Pattinson/Branagh playing a same-sex version of the tired spy trope of “deranged warlord and his lover/captive” would have been all the more fascinating.
As soon as they said “entropy is reversed” I just LOL’d and stopped paying attention to any of the “physics”. He got most of the physics in interstellar right (besides the speculative stuff) but this one was just silly.

I have multiple physics degrees but I don’t go into these movies to debunk them (like boring ass Neil deGrasse Tyson) and mostly just want fun different special effects.
Not sure and not encouraging if anyone does the thing with finding movies, but you could do a lot worse than watching The Climb right about now 👀

(if u legit...mid january...don't miss it)
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It's A Wonderful Life is a top-5 movie for me, regardless of its connection to Christmas. It's a treasure. @dhodo, be sure to check out Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, another Frank Capra jewel.

Watched Love Actually again for the first time in probably 15 years. I remember really loving it back then, but -- man -- it does not hold up well for me now. Feels very dated and icky. A context of recent unpleasant Hugh Grant characters in The Undoing and A Very English Scandal probably didn't help.
Watched Love Actually again for the first time in probably 15 years. I remember really loving it back then, but -- man -- it does not hold up well for me now. Feels very dated and icky. A context of recent unpleasant Hugh Grant characters in The Undoing and A Very English Scandal probably didn't help.

It's A Wonderful Life is a top-5 movie for me, regardless of its connection to Christmas. It's a treasure. @dhodo, be sure to check out Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, another Frank Capra jewel.

Watched Love Actually again for the first time in probably 15 years. I remember really loving it back then, but -- man -- it does not hold up well for me now. Feels very dated and icky. A context of recent unpleasant Hugh Grant characters in The Undoing and A Very English Scandal probably didn't help.
Funny I just watched Mr Smith goes to Washington 2 days ago..such a great movie. I actually started going through my vudu library and watching everything in chronological's what I've watched so far...
That's a great 2,500-word breakdown of "feels very dated and icky."

And, YES, the Liam Neeson story arc felt extremely painful/uncomfortable given the horrific tragedy he endured in his real life.
I rewatched it’s last night and the things that really stood out were the fat shaming and Colin Firth’s ickyness. And wtf Rick Grimes?!