Immerse Your Soul In Love - The Radiohead Thread

Just as a tip for these kind of forums, you can usually use the watch button as well if needed. Might be a bit more solid as I notice N&G alerts drop after a while
Thread was already watched, but yes the alerts tend to drop off if you don't post every once and a while it seems... at least for me. As soon as I posted again I started seeing the yellow next to the bell.
I’m confused - anyone else? - how they’ll fit the regular albums each one one LP. Am I missing something?
I just noticed the track list. That explains it. They’re being economical with the layout - “Motion Picture Soundtrack” leads off side C. No “Life in a Glasshouse”???
Ewwwww! What have they done to the artwork and the title! 🤢🤢🤢

Still tempted by the book for the damn third record because I’m beyond reproach…