Hip Hop

That is one of the most shortsighted takes I've seen in a while. You want a more expensive version of something, so that flipper bots don't buy these up and you have to spend more on it on the secondary market?

If it lets me and other fans actually get a copy then I am all for it. Id rather spend 100$ on a special drop and actually get one then spend 350$ on ebay for something less fancy.. It just really bums me out missing out but maybe you right but i do still feel the sting of missing out on daupe tonight so im crazy atm
I am by no means rich - Wife is a Chicago Public School Teacher and I design parks and outdoor play spaces for the city.

We both come from a family of public school teachers in Chicago. I think the big difference is I’m assuming I’m on the older side of the Hip Hop thread and have had a long career.

I’d push back on the status symbol a little bit. Does it offer some internal satisfaction as a collector of hip hop wax? Sure but outside of you guys and my wife, I don’t think anyone knows I own a Mach Hommy vinyl.

It’s easy to say anyone who buys this is a trust fund kid but this forum is full of people from all different ages and stages.
I am by no means rich - Wife is a Chicago Public School Teacher and I design parks and outdoor play spaces for the city.

We both come from a family of public school teachers in Chicago. I think the big difference is I’m assuming I’m on the older side of the Hip Hop thread and have had a long career.

I’d push back on the status symbol a little bit. Does it offer some internal satisfaction as a collector of hip hop wax? Sure but outside of you guys and my wife, I don’t think anyone knows I own a Mach Hommy vinyl.

It’s easy to say anyone who buys this is a trust fund kid but this forum is full of people from all different ages and stages.

To be clear, I have no issue with anyone buying it nor do I judge them for it, I think you are actually in the majority, I just don't think you/they are who he markets to. I could be wrong but I just feel like he wants be the music version of SUPREME.
trust fund kid

LOL I fuckin wish. Where I'm from that means parents make sure they have more than one kid, and then trust that at least one of the kids makes enough to help with funds asap

I've worked since 16 so i fully understand what it means to earn what you want. Do I enjoy paying this much? Nope, but I started something and will see it through. Much like people who buy 8 different versions of the same album due to cover art, color, etc. or a brand super fan who buys every Yeezy, Jordan, Supreme, Michael Kors, Chanel whatever it may be drop. It's us being super completionists, just silly, or just super Crazy, maybe a lil of all 3 but that's what makes us wonderful

Besides, from what I have seen re: his target audience based off his KTT forum or his reddit. Most of his fans are late 20s, 30s, to even 40 ( yes there is a dude on Mach's kanyetothe who says he new Mach as a teen and has been a fan since his first tape in 04) and are intellectuals that just appreciate the mystique, the multi lingual nature, the pure skill. Real heads. No age discrimination
If it lets me and other fans actually get a copy then I am all for it. Id rather spend 100$ on a special drop and actually get one then spend 350$ on ebay for something less fancy.. It just really bums me out missing out but maybe you right but i do still feel the sting of missing out on daupe tonight so im crazy atm

Sorry... that does not add up. What's fancy about the $222 "standard" vinyl?

I guarantee you that the album you just missed out on isn't going to hit ebay at $350 right out the gate. The HWH1 I have isn't even at that, at the moment.

Do what you do, but the idea that it's "special" only seems based on what it sold for initially. To say you'd rather spend $100, cuts the price of the Hommy by 122%, just for the standard. Then you jack up the album you just missed by over $350%, supposing that it actually goes up for a bill. That's ridiculous to me, but it also seems intentionally distorted.

My only point is that it basically comes across like you're saying that you wish Daupe would charge $222, so that it doesn't sell out and you have to buy it for $150 and feel less special. But, the reality of the numbers here... I'm just not seeing your figures. Plus, as for "special," the Hommy pressing numbers are higher than a lot of those Daupe releases.

I think it's bullshit for Mach to charge what he does, but that's why I don't buy them. I'm not judging those who do. We all like different shit and place a value on them. That being said, my mind gets trapped in weird efforts of contortionist logic and I try to untangle it. So, while I'm not going to judge those that pay for this stuff, I'm actually giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming there's something I'm not seeing and don't need to see here. Meanwhile, your post just feels like it corrodes my good faith and like it amplifies the absurdity of the mindset associated with all of it.

I want to be perfectly clear that I'm not trashing people who bought the Mach Hommy, but I am definitely pushing back against the wish that Daupe jack the price up even further than it already is to price most people out. It's bad enough.
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Man, No One Mourn The Wicked just got here and it looks so good! I didn't know they had the corner protectors on tho so I just cut THE SHIT outta my thumb opening the packaging. Be wary of the corner protectors. The corner of them are sharp as hell

which variant did you get? how much of your thumb is left?

Just got tracking for Prestige. Apparently a company called "Second City Prints" Just took over. Mine is scheduled to arrive by Saturday
I think Second City Prints was also the company handling all the merch for Alfredo. They seem to work on some major releases like that
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Get ready:

Really hope he doesn’t try and charge Him and Bronson 2xLP prices because I’ll sit this out just like rare chandeliers. The idea of “raising the price” to combat flippers on the front end only works if the flippers don’t think it will sell afterwards and with these releases it always does because of how the rappers have primed the customers. “Limited art” I’m going to repress on the 10th anniversary or you can stream because all we are doing is ripping mp3’s to a piece of plastic. I’m all for collecting wax and all that but it’s not like this stuff is even giving us better audio quality, with hip-hop it’s literally just to have the cover art. 🤷🏻‍♂️ make yourself happy I suppose, we’re all suckers.