Hip Hop

Southernplaya defintiely sounds better than the standard black widespread pressing. It's also the only edition that is a truly complete version on vinyl. I don't know if I'd take a chance on the VMP ATLiens though as that pressing had wide spread issues. It only took me 3 chances to get a clean copy. 36 Chambers will never sound amazing, but their 36 Chambers absolutely sounds better than all the other copies from what I've heard, and is definitely better than the OG that I have. But again, 36 Chambers was also pretty well known to have GZ issues so buying a copy is a dice roll as well unfortunately.
Thanks for the feedback, probably will just try to get Southernplaya then
I think the ATLiens deluxe with the instrumentals that came out a year ago is as good as anything out there and I've seen it under $50 for the set and I dig the instrumentals. I'm also one of the only that seems to not love the VMP Labcabincalifornia better than the Craft version.
Anyone have a lead on snagging DiCaprio 2 vinyl? I just realized that's the only JID I don't have after my Never Story is delivered today.
Oh snap, good look! Gonna cancel that Bullmoose I just figured out and grab the $25 one. Weird that the cheaper one comes with slipmat?
Increased price to $32. Wonder what'll happen with the orders like mine that go in when it was priced at $25

would like to listen to the full thing first...