Hip Hop

Yeah the cart thing fucked up on my phone. It never left the your in line screen. Wanted the silver for that slipcase. But I'll go back and order black later I guess. Goes with the rest of Boldy which are all black lol
If you like it, I'd still get the black, especially with this packaging. If you decide against it later, you can flip or trade it. Those ALC open orders can still go for loot. That's just my experience being indecisive and then not wanting to pay on the secondary.

im still thinking wether i should buy 2 of those to atleast make up for the shipping costs afterwards . that said, ALCs shipping prices for internationals seem rather fair.
ALC drop in a few hours right
anything else?

I dunno wtf to think with this kanye shit going on lol
Puff getting heated is hilarious tho

He's been a shit human for almost a decade, and now hanging with Candace Owens while wearing White Lives Matter shirts?!!? FOH. Plus his music since Yeezus has been garbage too. Fuck everything about Kanye. There's absolutely nothing redeeming about him at this point on any level.
With respect, Ye just out here breaking the Matrix 🥳 I appreciate having at least one mainstream creative who doesn't bow to Woke thought control. I'm a liberal but the censorship shit has been way out of hand, and I respect Kanye being bold enough to go against the status quo and speak how he feels -- as long as he is not promulgating dangerous conspiracy theories such as election fraud.

He's made me and many others feel its ok to not be ashamed of your mental illness; (which USA stigmatizes)
He's the only one who publicly advocates for men's paternal rights; (which USA disregards ESPECIALLY in the case of black men);
Plus he has shown a longstanding interest in creating products to improve the lives of America's exploding homeless population, and while these haven't come to fruition yet I have a lot of respect for him for that as I consider it the most important issue in America rn.

He is egotistical, a spendthrift, lacks discretion, and is an asshole who doesn't always speak to others with respect - but I think his heart is in the right place and he adds more of value to the public discourse than he detracts from it. He shakes things up and disrupts narratives, and while this naturally pisses people off I think it is societally invaluable to have people doing so.

"beauty has been stolen from the people and is being sold back to them under the concept of luxury" - Ye
"as long as he is not promulgating dangerous conspiracy theories"

He's out here actively promulgating white supremacy and in the very recent past MAGA, which is the haven of the dangerous conspiracy theories like election fraud. And now he's cozying up to Owens who 100% drives those same conspiracy theories. He's now buddy buddy with the side that is actively passing legislation to censor all kinds of books from libraries and schools concerning LGBT to the whole "CRT" boogie man. He's on the side of the actual censorship that's happening in America. He's on the side that also stands in the way of everything concerning mental health funding. He may talk a big game, but his actions are counteractive to the BS he spews from his pie hole.
Fuck Kanye. Absolute waste of space and oxygen as a person. Pete Davidson is at least taking proper care of Kim and Kanye's kids.
Future president ye isn't burdened with the need to inhale or exhale. The oxygen within his frame is thankful to be there.

He is neither here nor there so the idea of "wasted space" is a non issue.

You're welcome.

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Future president ye isn't burdened with the need to inhale or exhale. The oxygen within his frame is thankful to be there.

He is neither here nor there so the idea of "wasted space" is a non issue.

You're welcome.

View attachment 153489
Refuse to believe this is anything but an ironic meme.
I already saw what went down with the Black Lives Matter thread that was created during the George Floyd protests and bounced on that trainwreck then. It's one of the reasons this is one of the only threads I even fuck with anymore.

So... after this post, I'm just gonna fall back and let white dudes discuss their feelings about black artists and race relations again, as usual. Stay corny with this shit.

his music since Yeezus has been garbage too.

I'd agree with your post, except I thought Yeezus was trash, too. Guy was just doing shit Madonna style and mining lesser known artists like Death Grips and B L A C K I E, while selling it to people who didn't know better like he was innovative. He's basically Taylor Swift with that fanbase rushing to his defense creating narratives that aren't even from his own making, handing out excuses and rationale he didn't even ask for. "He's a genius and what he's 'REALLY' saying isn't that at all... there's a deeper meaning. He's not really discussing being unable to get into fashion week with zero experience." Every time, that clown will go do an interview immediately after and say, "this IS all about a fashion line!" And people still won't admit it.

"Saying slavery is a choice is really about ___ There are layers, see?" Even after dude comes out and apologizes and retracts, fools still try and defend the cornball shit using the old conspiracies. His shit has been boring forever.

So here's a theory...

White people love Kanye because they can identify with him. He brought a suburbanized style with soul samples that polished some of that soul off. He's an in to a culture that a lot of people may love but didn't always necessarily connect to in the deepest way, because they can't identify with it in a spiritual or experiential level. So now they don't want to let that go.

I won't assume anyone's race in here, but as a larger statement overall, if you are a white dude hyping Kanye and excusing this shit, that's a bold fucking move. If you feel that your views on this matter are necessary or relevant, that's reflective of the greater issue connected to it. And if you identify with this guy, the question to ask is, to what extent. He espouses racist shit and he is praised for validating these views and making them acceptable? Anyone who sees that as a positive, connects with that, and applauds him for it... there's only one way to interpret that shit. The fact that more people feel emboldened and protected enough to proudly stand at his side announcing their support for his words, because it's empowering, is an acknowledgment that it is empowering certain groups, while ignoring who that power is taken from. It's also a reflection of why it's dangerous. Normally, logic would suggest distancing oneself from shit like this, but this cornball is using his platform to encourage anyone in positions of power to reject justice, compassion and responsibility in favor of white supremacy.

What percentage is "despite" versus "because of"?
Thoughts on new OME? On first listen it might be a top 3 project of his. Loved it.
It's excellent, I have a hard time ranking his projects but it's easily a top 10 aoty for me. Lots of quotable lines like "I'm the brick and mortar Rick and Morty/ I'm a different sort of normie." Really liked the production choices and guests. Geti's verse was so nice too, just rapping compliments. The fan confusion about the last song being titled "cd only bonus track" is also hilarious to me.