GoFundMe - THANK YOU!!


@AndySlash, @AnthonyI, @Captainfog, @Colonel_Angus, @David A., @gouis, @mcherry and @RenegadeMonster

Thank you for that festivus miracle! ❤
Thank you all for your hard work in getting this up and running so quickly!!! I’ve said it before in different ways but that awful situation transformed into something beautiful and better in a digital heartbeat. The entire process was a special thing to witness and be a part of. A true testament to the power of a group of like-minded individuals coming together for a common purpose.
Morning all, I just wanted to take a minute to once again thank all of you who donated to the cause. It's one thing to say your a community, it's another to put that statement into action. I know all of us who came together in hopes of salvaging what was being taken away from us had no idea the amount of support that was going to come. So on behalf of myself, @Captainfog , @Colonel_Angus , @David A. , @gouis , @mcherry and an extra "BOO YA" for @RenegadeMonster and @AndySlash, we all want to thank you for being part of this amazing community and I'll add, be proud of yourselves as well, what took place in just over 24 hours is a testament to this community.

Lastly, just so everyone is aware, our intention was to close the GoFundMe campaign as soon as the forum was up and running. GFM works like this, you can't deactivate the campaign until all funds have been transferred. Currently the campaign is set to do a daily draw, with the bulk already in the process of being moved. Donations have gone down, which is fine, but we don't want members thinking we're just milking it. So once all funds have been moved the campaign will be closed. We have other thoughts and ideas of how to sustain the forum long term and add free and we'll share all of that with you when the time comes.

Thanks again and Enjoy the community!!
Oh gosh dang it. Now I'm realizing I omitted @Captainfog and @David A. in my "thank you"s. Thank you to ALL of you! This new forum is amazing.