February 2022 Vinyl Spin Challenge Thread - Games People Play

Day 21: Solitaire

Steve Earle - Townes: The Basics

Just Steve and his git.

Here's a version of solitaire I played when I was a kid. Either my mom or sister taught it to me. We called it Tree Solitaire but a quick Google search didn't produce any results that matched this version.

I deal four cards in piles of 4, with the fourth one face up. Then place one card face up at the top of the tree. In the pictured set-up, The three of spades is my key card.
I can play all spades that come up on that branch. I can't play on any branches underneath until I get another three. Then, I can play anything that is already played above it. Once (or, if) I get the third and fourth threes, I can't play a suited card on a three unless it is represented in the row directly above.
I cycle through the deck, three at a time until I have no more plays.
Below is the set-up and the finished game, which didn't result in a win this time.

Ok, slight change for Day 23 - Scrabble
My wife and I played Scrabble last night, here's a pic of the final board.
So: Play a song, album or artist related to any word you see on the board.
(The final score of this game was 254 to 248)
(It doesn't matter who won)
(I did)
