Definitive Audiophile pressings

Yep I think the only 3 that fall into the above category that I own, or even remember coming out on vinyl are the Weezer ones and a Ryan Adams by MoFi. In reality peak Pixies came out when I was 5-9 so I can’t even really say they were in my living memory lol. Also it’s not like I’m a kid. I’m nearly 40 lol!
Sea Change?
They did that? Fair enough. We’re up to 5 albums now, I think we’ve discussed at least 7 billion versions that they’ve done of Kind of Blue. 😂
Yeah. It's a absolutely nuts price. Was going for around £400 a copy before the cheapo re-issue came out.

I'd like them to repress the REMs. I love Murmur. I don't £165 love Murmur though.... well i do. I just don't have that kind of cash
Yeah. It's a absolutely nuts price. Was going for around £400 a copy before the cheapo re-issue came out.

I'd like them to repress the REMs. I love Murmur. I don't £165 love Murmur though.... well i do. I just don't have that kind of cash

Yeah me too. I’d like a nice pressing of Life’s Rich Pageant. The only ones I’m paying crazy money for are the Beatles ones becuse they ain’t ever coming back and also I’m selling other vinyl to finance them so it doesn’t feel as bad!
What about the George Russell is dated? Its a great composition with John Coltrane and Bill Evans in the orchestra. It sounds amazing and it was very influential.
Hard pressed to call it influential. I have been deply into jazz since I was a teenager, and this reord I had never heard of. Coltrane appears on one track, blows a decent but hardly earthshattering solo.
Yeah. It's a absolutely nuts price. Was going for around £400 a copy before the cheapo re-issue came out.

I'd like them to repress the REMs. I love Murmur. I don't £165 love Murmur though.... well i do. I just don't have that kind of cash

Yeah me too. I’d like a nice pressing of Life’s Rich Pageant. The only ones I’m paying crazy money for are the Beatles ones becuse they ain’t ever coming back and also I’m selling other vinyl to finance them so it doesn’t feel as bad!
I was spinning the MOFI of Natalie Merchant’s Tigerlily yesterday and thinking how much I’d like more “newer” titles like it to be given the MOFI treatment. I’d also be all over any REM MOFI.
Hard pressed to call it influential. I have been deply into jazz since I was a teenager, and this reord I had never heard of. Coltrane appears on one track, blows a decent but hardly earthshattering solo.
I disagree with this to an extent. Its personal preference, just because one person hasn't heard of an album doesn't mean a whole swathe of others haven't. I actually read up on the album when it was announced and a lot of reviews since have stated that it was one that was loved by musicians (perhaps more so than the general public) and it would be hard to imagine they were not influenced by it. Russell was certainly a big influence on modal jazz overall. Sure, its no Kind Of Blue and perhaps didn't have the same social impact, but I certainly think it was influential to an extent.
Right and I hope that's where the AS series eventually goes and has started to already. Is Peggy Lee - Black Coffee a hugely in-demand title? What about George Russell NY, NY?

Those Decca titles aren't gonna be as in demand as the big Verve or Impulse titles, but the Acoustic Sounds Series is about reissuing Decca and Emarcy too — not just Verve and Impulse. Those are actually pretty big names as far as Decca jazz titles I think.
Hard pressed to call it influential. I have been deply into jazz since I was a teenager, and this reord I had never heard of. Coltrane appears on one track, blows a decent but hardly earthshattering solo.
I think this is the correct take. George Russell and what he did with his smaller big band groups in the late 50’s/early 60’s is pretty influential as a whole but this album itself probably isn’t super influential. This isn’t a record to show off Coltrane or Evans either. They don’t get a lot of space to solo or show their character that they’re known for.

But it’s a solid album and if you like progressive big band stuff like what Mingus and Gil Evans were doing around the same time too, you might like this. Peggy Lee is fantastic too but I can see why some may not like it.
I was spinning the MOFI of Natalie Merchant’s Tigerlily yesterday and thinking how much I’d like more “newer” titles like it to be given the MOFI treatment. I’d also be all over any REM MOFI.
Tigerlily does sound quite awesome. REM probably won’t happen, but one can hope! Not sure what the status is on the IRS masters. They did do Murmur, Document and Reckoning back in the day. I’m thinking a one step from Craft is more likely for them. Concord Records (Craft) owns the distribution rights to their major label days if I’m not mistaken.
Tigerlily does sound quite awesome. REM probably won’t happen, but one can hope! Not sure what the status is on the IRS masters. They did do Murmur, Document and Reckoning back in the day. I’m thinking a one step from Craft is more likely for them. Concord Records (Craft) owns the distribution rights to their major label days if I’m not mistaken.
Craft only owns the titles from 1988-2011