Country / Alt-Country / Roots / Americana

Things did not seem well with them lately so not surprised.
It seemed like they had put the Reunions era issues behind them in recent interviews. They were together a lot again on social media in 2023. The documentary was way after the actual release of Reunions and they were RSD ambassadors. Then, end of 2023, they stopped posting pics together and no Xmas pics together with Mercy. When he didn't mention her at the Grammys and she wasn't there or congratulating him online, I had a feeling something was amiss. Hope it can remain amiacble, sorry to see it for them and for Mercy.
It seemed like they had put the Reunions era issues behind them in recent interviews. They were together a lot again on social media in 2023. The documentary was way after the actual release of Reunions and they were RSD ambassadors. Then, end of 2023, they stopped posting pics together and no Xmas pics together with Mercy. When he didn't mention her at the Grammys and she wasn't there or congratulating him online, I had a feeling something was amiss. Hope it can remain amiacble, sorry to see it for them and for Mercy.
Yeah, this sort of thing sucks for anyone, celebrity or not. Hopefully these two are niche enough celebs that people leave them alone about it. It’s gotta be hard enough without everyone and their dog speculating on it.
New Amigo The Devil kinda blew me away on first listen, I may need to go back and check out his previous work. His sound, to me, is like a mix of Tom Waits, Nick Cave, and Leonard Cohen. Really good stuff.
Born Against is much more accessible in my opinion. Everything is Fine and Volume I are not as much in my opinion, but still really good. Murder at the Bingo Hall, Another Man's Grave and 24 Carat Casket are amazing songs. That whole record is amazing to be honest.
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Born Against is much more accessible in my opinion. Everything is Fine and Volume I are not as much in my opinion, but still really good. I love Murder at the Bingo Hall, Another Man's Grave and 24 Carat Casket are amazing songs. That whole record is amazing to be honest.
I’ll give it a listen. I think I checked him out a while back but it was so far off what I expected I don’t think I gave it a fair listen. He’s one of those guys I see in the crowd at shows quite often here in Nashville, and based on the types of shows he was in attendance for, I had expectations set on the type of music he must play.
I will say, while I really like the album, my only complaint is I kinda wish at times the lyrics weren’t so violent and full tragedy and death. I think I saw his music described as murderfolk, so I guess that’s kinda his thing, but it can in my opinion be a little exhausting.

I grew up on gangsta rap (The harder the better) and Murder Ballads is my favourite Nick Cave album so the violence didnt really bother me. That said, I noticed it enough to figure it might be an issue for some.