Building Your Own Turntable

I have a Goldring Leno turntable from the late 60's that I'm partway refurbishing. All the electrics are done, but the next step is to get the plinth done. A lot of options, a lot of faff, especially as I'm not the most technically minded. If you were to consider it, getting a Lenco (particularly a GL75) cheap and then having fun with the tonearm and the plinth could be an option.

Head over to for some ideas...
Random thought of day....

Anyone done it? What's to stop someone getting a beautiful piece of wood and sending it to a lazer cutter to make the appropriate cuts/holes and then picking/choosing and fitting all the hardware yourself.
Nothing is really stopping anyone from doing this... aside from a lack of desire. There is a guy in Texas named Josh Miles who owns a high end audio company called JWM Acoustics. I haven't heard one of his turn tables, but I heard his speakers being driven by a $100K+ front end that sounded really great. All housed on a rack he built as well.

His turn tables are almost exactly what you're describing. He uses mostly Rega arms, motors etc, but installs them on his custom made plinths, which are extremely high quality. It's a very viable idea if you can source the parts and have the craftsmanship to do it. I personally do not have the tools or the patience to attempt something like this.
Its certainly been done:

Unless you can do a large amount of the work yourself, its unlikely to be worth it. Unfortunately its not quite as simple as 'sending a nice piece of wood to a laser cutter', and even if it was it would be very expensive. If you have a bit of experience perhaps refurbishing/modifying turntables, then no, nothing is stopping you apart from the expense.