Search results

  1. RowBearToe

    Samples & Interpolations

    I've always been a hip-hop fan, but as I've started becoming a bigger soul/funk fan I've really enjoyed stumbling across old songs and realizing it was sampled in a hip-hop song I love. I've started taking a deep dive on samples and even keep a playlist tracking my favorites. I'm always looking...
  2. RowBearToe

    December 2020 Challenge Thread: Let's Go Out With A Bang (The return of the raffle!)

    Hey everyone! Welcome to the December challenge thread! I know many people can't wait for 2020 to end, but let's take some time to live in the moment and appreciate things this holiday season. It's the most wonderful time of the year, and December 2020 only happens once, so let's enjoy it! I...
  3. RowBearToe

    Balanced Headphone/Cable Help

    Hey guys! Hoping to get some help on balanced headphones/cables. I have a digital audio player that offers a balanced output (separate DACs for L and R audio) that I would love to utilize. I reached out to V-Moda about the Crossfade M-100s and they claim that they support a balanced input. There...
  4. RowBearToe

    New Music Friday!

    A thread to post about new music being released each week. Things you like, are excited about, hated, whatever.