Needles & Grooves

@TenderLovingKiller® To paraphrase Rainbow Dash, had MGK done it, it would’ve needed to be about 20% lamer. Like WAY WAY WAY worse. Her songs were also awesome so there’s that...
I am generally pro smashing shit up and anti David Crosby, so this has all been fairly entertaining for me.

My only disappointment is she didn't stay out there till she fully broke it. If you start a job, you might as well finish it.
@Woob_woob she wasn't able to simple as that. Apparently those Danelectro guitars are hard to break
And she was told it would be hard to break beforehand, so I respect her taking on the challenge.
And sparks were literally flying so that was nice.
But really I've seen dozens of acts smash up their gear before and this is the first time I've ever heard anyone talk about it as a negative
That’s it exactly. If your “hot take” is that it is a trite Rock cliche then where was that criticism last time it happened? You could say well, it wasn’t a big deal the last time so I didn’t feel like I needed to chime in, in which case you should ask yourself why it wasn’t a big deal previously and I think the answer there is fairly obvious.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Fuck David Crosby, no one likes him anymore, even Graham Nash is calling him bad news and to be avoided.
@Woob_woob Because it's been done so many times before people found it cliché and unnecessary, not to mention contrived since Danelectro was in on it 😒
The David Crosby stuff is exactly what anyone would expect from David Crosby, a curmudgeon’s gonna curmudgeon.
@TenderLovingKiller® I honestly can’t remember the last time I have seen it done, certainly not on a stage as large as SNL. If it had been done anywhere else it probably wouldn’t make news, I think it’s stupid that it did make news.... but again, regardless of wether it should be news, it IS NEWS, so people everywhere will voice their opinion on the current news and doing so doesn’t make you a sexist.
I also love all the people who are like "its a gimmick and if she's really talented she wouldn't need gimmicks" Did you never watch hendrix set his guitar on fire, or moon blow up his drum set? These are things that drew me into music. The entertainment business is a business of gimmicks. Bob Dylan built a career off of them.
Nirvana did back in the 90s but I don't know if anyone has done it since
I'm not saying the people who are against it are sexist, but they are soft.
@Woob_woob funny you mention that because Phoebe tweeted something along the lines of maybe next time I should set it on fire 🔥
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
The manics did it a lot in the 90s until when they were getting bigger they realised that their newer destroyed equipment was costing the equivalent of their parents yearly wages and stopped because they felt guilty.

There is a sense of nihilistic blow out, particularly at the end of a song that’s emotional or fraught. Matt Bellamy doing it 140 times on a tour is pathetic, but then Muse are pretty shit so 🤷🏻‍♂️
Win Butler did it on SNL only a few years ago

Isn’t Tropical Fuck Storm known for destroying their equipment (and themselves)? Why isn’t that the talk of the town? I think it’s obvious... exposure draws criticism. If MGK did it, it wouldn’t be a big deal because he is a male performer, this I admit. But if it had become a deal for whatever reason, I do believe that there would still be a large voice of people who just thought it was trite and lame.
@Tys1 you’re missing the much bigger point. I am not calling ANYONE who is not a fan of Bridger or of Guitar smashing a misogynist or a sexist. Everything can like or dislike whatever they’d like. This issue is why it became news...
...You don’t believe that guitar smashing just became Rock Cliche obviously. The reason it starting trending does matter and the reason you don’t recall it being a big deal before is because it wasn’t. There are some broad cultural things this criticism exposes; its not personal (in most cases) but people should call it out when it happens.