Needles & Grooves

@AnthonyI, I didn't see the comment or responses but if @Enoch did receive troubling replies and felt like a victim it probably isn't comforting to hear that the solution is to not say what you want to say where you want to say it
@Tillman , I'm sorry @Enoch feels the way he does about what transpired earlier. I was there, I was watching and it was a heated discussion, but there was no name calling and so on. All the aggrivation was directed at VMP. Nobody has said he couldn't say what he wanted to say on his profile and he still can.
@AnthonyI, it's not that anyone said he couldn't but that he should have kept it in one place. like it was his fault for putting it where he did, that can't feel good. and again to be fair I didn't see what went down at all, but I guess I feel a bit defensive about the idea that people may have been giving someone like @Enoch a hard time.
again, I could very well be totally off base about this whole thing. but even if negative comments weren't directed towards @Enoch he may not feel great that he might create a shit storm for posting about VMP around here, which it seems like he would still like to do.
Nobody is telling him he shouldn't post about VMP and I believe we've also answered his question about where he should post. His profile or related VMP threads. I'm not sure what else to say @Tillman
@Enoch. I think finding out that Matthew 'what would you do with more time' Fiedler has been crying on your shoulder pissed a few people off, particular after how he treated every single one of us, including yourself, just a few weeks ago. You just got caught in the cross fire mate. Hang in there, I enjoy your presence here. Hope you're doing OK :)
ok. just seems strange that he posted something about VMP on his profile post and it caused some kind of problem yet everyone is telling him that there's no problem with posting about VMP, it doesn't make sense to me. but I will shut up about it mainly because I didn't see any of this go down.
I will say that I was troubled by the reaction to @Enoch's post earlier today. I know that not everybody saw it, but there was a lot of hate being directed towards him simply for mentioning VMP, mostly coming from one specific individual
I don't see why everyone cant just discuss things like adults. I love everyone here, except if someone was being a dick for no good reason. I don't know, I only read the first little bit of Enoch's thread while at work. I hope everything works out and no one leaves. Thank you, I'm inebriated.
Nobody gets mad at anybody here for “mentioning” VMP, that’s a total distortion. All of the disagreements in that original profile post were about specific things regarding VMP, true, and how criticism of VMP is handled, but definitely NOT backlash just because it was “mentioned in the wrong place.”
My 2 cents: I hate that a company that tried to destroy this amazing community and failed is actually ripping us apart without them even being here. We ARE better than this. We can disagree, we can have people on here that hate VMP and people on here that don't. Both approaches need to respect the other.
@Enoch was sharing his experience, which, if I'm being honest, I thought people were asking him to do. So I was kind of surprised that he, personally, was being attacked. It wasn't ok. @Enoch should be allowed to post wherever he wants. He was respectful. Treat him the same!
@Enoch - chin up! We disagree on continuing to give VMP support, but I definitely still want you around and engaged!!!
I imagine you’re free to post wherever regarding VMP, but by sticking it in a very public place you naturally invite comment from a certain contingent. If those comments cross the line, they should be reported, and I would hope this community is self-policing enough to call one another out if such a thing happens. I missed the earlier profile post, so perhaps there’s context I’m lacking.
This what Voldemort wanted, to divide us...let’s move on and be better than this y’all.
All of what has been said since my last comment is still why I want clear guidance from admins on this, I still am reading mixed messaging. Also, it seems others have very opposing views on this so clear guidance will help, we have been talking about this in several places...
and in my opinion there has been a slow building up to a place where it was going to explode, I think my status was part of that explosion. I would like that to be the explosion...
instead of it happening again and in a worse way. I know this is a very sensitive topic but dancing around it is not going to help. I am not saying it has been completely danced around but I think there still isn't a clear way forward for people that may take either side.
I'm reading the guidance as "Talk about it wherever you want, but if you don't want greater exposure that might draw negativity, keep it in a VMP thread." As long as the negativity isn't about personal grievances, each person just needs to decide for themselves what & how much they're willing to take on by posting in the place of their preference.