Definitive Audiophile pressings

I am playing this now. You are correct. It slaps, hard. Brings back great memories of my youth :)
More revisionist history I never, ever ever ever ever ever thought I would read on a board like this (or really any board). I suppose since people are buying $60 Matchbox 20 LPs, I shouldn't be surprised. No accounting for taste and all that, but you'd get a serious flogging verbally and physically back in the day if you admitted to liking this stuff.

Edited to add that I am not making a value judgment personally on the music, though I am glad that there is apparently an audience for this which I hope would convince the powers that be to put out more records that are not just the same, old same old. There are a ton of records from the 90s that I'd like to see out that only VMP seems to think are of interest (if I have to tip my hat).
I have the Captured Tracks reissue but tempted by the alternate cover
I prefer it…the cover, I hadn’t heard the Captured Tracks pressing since I missed out on the box set. I think I now have all the album from the box except Pup Tent so hopefully someone reissues that one soon and I will be set!
More revisionist history I never, ever ever ever ever ever thought I would read on a board like this (or really any board). I suppose since people are buying $60 Matchbox 20 LPs, I shouldn't be surprised. No accounting for taste and all that, but you'd get a serious flogging verbally and physically back in the day if you admitted to liking this stuff.

Edited to add that I am not making a value judgment personally on the music, though I am glad that there is apparently an audience for this which I hope would convince the powers that be to put out more records that are not just the same, old same old. There are a ton of records from the 90s that I'd like to see out that only VMP seems to think are of interest (if I have to tip my hat).
Sounds like you were friends with a bunch of dicks. Glad you're here with us nice folks now who won't shame your musical tastes.
I can't wait till 3 Doors Down gets a One Step.
True story, I was at a music trivia night a couple months back and just to be clear, I suck at trivia. So we're in a round where they play like two seconds of a song and you have to guess the title and the artist. They play two seconds of a song, half a second into the song I blurt out "KRYPTONITE BY THREE DOORS DOWN"! immediately followed by a look of horror on my face and I just put my head down on the table. Friends, I didn't even think. It was an involuntary reflex action where my brain just took over for a second and was like "Stand aside moron, I got this."
I can honestly say I never knew who did that song, I just hated it. And if you had asked me who sang it at any point over the last 20 years I wouldn't have known because I didn't care and I didn't want to know. I hadn't even thought of the name "Three Doors Down" in 20 years, and yet it's been there, in my head this entire time. And the horror of that realization, that it's been taking up space, in my brain for over half my lifetime, is seriously disturbing.
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This is the most fun I've had all week.

Speaking of audiophile pressings, is Pallas really a sad shell of its former self? Against my own rule to no longer buy BBE releases of the J Jazz series, I picked up the latest compilation and there are still issues (though slightly better than the last round).
It's really kind of sad. This week, I picked up an unopened 2020 Speakers Corner title and it absolutely is incredible sounding.

Anyway back to the entertaining 90s contemporary bashing.

Did eff Chad put Meatloaf on the reissue schedule?