Pre-Order Thread

If we could get back on topic, the Emily cover drove the point home for me. I thought well maybe this is something about going with a bigger label. Then I went and looked at all her covers realizing that I have become numb to it.

Speaking of Emily. Heady Wax Fiends Exclusive.


We don’t expect anyone to STFU necessarily. We just know each other well enough that we are used to giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. You will rarely find anyone trolling or making bad faith arguments here. Which is obviously a bit different than most corners of the internet. We all have different opinions (mostly about hotdogs and Steely Dan) and we can have lively debates surrounding almost any topic but with a level or respect that you won’t find many places.
I mean thank god nobody new showed up during the discussion of terminator orifices.
Just a couple albums with "2" in their title it appears:

Hey look @avecigrec KOOL KIETH!!!

It’s all connected.

Also Black Pumas taped ACL last night so very synchronous.

Last but not least… what did you delete @RenegadeMonster that made @Twentytwo post a half a page early?