Best Of The Year Playlists - 1986 - September 2023


Aug 15, 2021
Oh my, I've let over a week go by in the month without posting this month's best of the year playlists thread. I apologize! So many people have stopped me on the street and asked, "Hey, where's the next playlist thread?!" and I've received countless panicked private messages. Rest assured, the runaway smash sensation, the idea that has single-handedly rocketed the profile of Needles & Grooves into unprecedented international acclaim and admiration is not dead or abandoned. If you've been living under a rock for the past two months, here's the skinny, the low down, the 411 .

Here's my playlist; please post yours!

If anyone wants to get a jump on planning for the rest of the year, here's the schedule:

October - 1978
November - 2006
December - 1991
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Oh my, I've let over a week go by in the month without posting this month's best of the year playlists thread. I apologize! So many people have stopped me on the street and asked, "Hey, where's the next playlist thread?!" and I've received countless panicked private messages. Rest assured, the runaway smash sensation, the idea that has single-handedly rocketed the profile of Needles & Grooves into unprecedented international acclaim and admiration is not dead or abandoned. If you've been living under a rock for the past two months, here's the skinny, the low down, the 411 .

Here's my playlist; please post yours!

If anyone wants to get a jump on planning for the rest of the year, here's the schedule:

October - 1978
November - 2006
December - 1991

Shit, I never finished putting last month's together! Damn ADHD! 🤣
Never too late.

do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do ti do it
This one is a combination of stuff I remember liking when I was six, and stuff I've come to love since then.

A mix of cheese and fire!


I enjoyed listening to this, thanks! "Live to Tell" was always one of the few Madonna songs that I thought was very interesting. I remember it seeming to sound very different and subtle at the time it was popular, but hearing it again after a long time, it sure still sounds very 1986! A lot of great picks on this.
This one is a combination of stuff I remember liking when I was six, and stuff I've come to love since then.

A mix of cheese and fire!


Listening to this playlist was easily the most 1986-y hour and a half I've spent in over 35 years.

All three of us that put up a list for this month had different stuff from Graceland, Please, and Skylarking, but you're the contrarian with your Talking with the Taxman about Poetry and Lifes Rich Pageant picks. Nice ones!