Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

A couple, if not all of the links I posted are UK/European so check the shipping costs on those. I usually find rarewaves shipping to be REALLY good cost wise to Canada.
Yeah, can confirm. All in rarewaves is going to charge me $52.98 shipped vs $66.79 from VMP after conversion. Dumb dumb dumb.

EDIT: Though mind you it's still slightly cheaper if it DID appear in swaps at the international add-on cost, but I don't think you should bank on it.
So the reddit mod got back regarding this whole thing with this:

VMP is aware of this and the working assumption is that the production plant made more than the 500 VMP ordered and dumped these copies to other sellers.
Plus once they get their own plant up and running everything will be in house.

I don't really care either way, I buy albums I want to listen to and don't care about numbering or limited editions, but some people do and this whole situation is kind of absurd, especially when those other copies are undercutting VMP's pricing by a fair margin.
So the reddit mod got back regarding this whole thing with this:

I don't really care either way, I buy albums I want to listen to and don't care about numbering or limited editions, but some people do and this whole situation is kind of absurd, especially when those other copies are undercutting VMP's pricing by a fair margin.

I miss Enoch
I miss Enoch
Was this a mod or something? Whoever this guy is his replies (not to just this one) come off as a major VMP apologist. I get you mod the VMP reddit but man, some situations are just shitty and you can sit the discussion out. There's (IMO) no situation where you shouldn't have reached out to your customers here. If they can do it if the record doesn't match the mockups, they can do so if you think you're buying a 500 unit exclusive that turned into much more.
So the reddit mod got back regarding this whole thing with this:

I don't really care either way, I buy albums I want to listen to and don't care about numbering or limited editions, but some people do and this whole situation is kind of absurd, especially when those other copies are undercutting VMP's pricing by a fair margin.
They’re paraphrasing Storf from the discord who said:

I'd imagine they made more than the 500 they sold us and are now unloading them. Not happy about it, but not like we sold out in 2 weeks or anything either.
They’re paraphrasing Storf from the discord who said:
As of right now the line about not getting the variant anywhere else is still on the page, so at this point they're knowingly still advertising something that's provably false, which is where I'm getting hung up.
Was this a mod or something? Whoever this guy is his replies (not to just this one) come off as a major VMP apologist. I get you mod the VMP reddit but man, some situations are just shitty and you can sit the discussion out. There's (IMO) no situation where you shouldn't have reached out to your customers here. If they can do it if the record doesn't match the mockups, they can do so if you think you're buying a 500 unit exclusive that turned into much more.
Enoch was a forum user back in the day. He had a complete VMP collection. Every single rotm, every single exclusive. I believe he sold off his collection and stopped posting around the same time.
Was this a mod or something? Whoever this guy is his replies (not to just this one) come off as a major VMP apologist. I get you mod the VMP reddit but man, some situations are just shitty and you can sit the discussion out. There's (IMO) no situation where you shouldn't have reached out to your customers here. If they can do it if the record doesn't match the mockups, they can do so if you think you're buying a 500 unit exclusive that turned into much more.

Enoch was a member of the old forum. He was obsessed with VMP and was buying every single release for the completionism of it. If I remember correctly they messed up with him and he stopped buying. He ended selling his whole collection. If you go to past VMP Discogs entry you'll see his name a lot of times.
Enoch was a forum user back in the day. He had a complete VMP collection. Every single rotm, every single exclusive. I believe he sold off his collection and stopped posting around the same time.

Enoch was a member of the old forum. He was obsessed with VMP and was buying every single release for the completionism of it. If I remember correctly they messed up with him and he stopped buying. He ended selling his whole collection. If you go to past VMP Discogs entry you'll see his name a lot of times.
Enoch was a forum user back in the day. He had a complete VMP collection. Every single rotm, every single exclusive. I believe he sold off his collection and stopped posting around the same time.

I was doing that with Magnolia for a while and eventually I just said this is really stupid. I try to only buy things that I know I will listen to these days.
Great find from @Skalap

The John Coltrane Quartet - Africa/Brass (1961)
The New Amazing Chico Hamilton Quintet – Passin' Thru (1963)
Lorez Alexandria – Alexandria The Great (1964)
Charles Mingus– Mingus Plays Piano: Spontaneous Compositions And Improvisations (1964)
Gabor Szabo – Jazz Raga (1967)
Mel Brown - Chicken Fat (1967)
Pharoah Sanders - Karma (1969)
Alice Coltrane - Ptah the El Daoud (1970)
Is that Soundtracks line a new track? Kinda sounds like it