Khemmis - Ask Me Anything


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Cincinnati, OH
Hey everyone, Khemmis has graciously offered to do an Ask Me Anything, but since they are on tour, have asked that we send questions in advance and they will answer them via email. We will post the answers to the questions here.

Please post questions here, and I will screen them for redundancy based on their Reddit AMA from last year () and a few other interviews I've watched/read while researching for my write up for this month's AoTM.

Thank you SO MUCH to @Colonel_Angus for doing the legwork and helping me with this.

ADMIN EDIT: To see the full interview, start here.
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What are your Top Five Personal Metal Albums Ranked?
What are your Top Five Personal Fruit Rankings?
What is your favorite album of the year so far both Metal and Non-Metal?
What are some albums that you would recommend to people as "gateway drugs" to Metal?
Is a hotdog a sandwich?
What inspires you?
I'd kindly ask we initially keep questions to 1 per person. Once a few days have passed, and gauging how many other questions have been submitted, we'd revisit multiple questions per user.
Last one (for now) -- it's not really a question, but I wanted to let them know how inspiring it was that folks with full-time, challenging jobs could still do something they love REALLY well. Too often society pushes the "drop everything and go for it!" narrative that just isn't available to folks that have to like, support themselves somehow. I just wanted to give them credit for that.
I'd kindly ask we initially keep questions to 1 per person. Once a few days have passed, and gauging how many other questions have been submitted, we'd revisit multiple questions per user.
Sorry, I figured you’d probably just provide em with an edited selection anyhow. I may post a few more as I think of em. Feel free to ask as many or as few as you feel appropriate. It’s nice of then to take the time out to do this and kudos to whomever is making this happen!
@Goatfish got me into these guys when we first started chatting outside of the internet. They quickly grew to become one of my favorite current acts in metal and I’m so happy any of this is possible. Here’s a few questions...

With the new album being out for over a year now, I was curious if each member has a favorite song they enjoy playing live. With all of the dynamics between the guitars, drums and vocals on different tracks I could see this being different for each member.

With the amount of critical and fan praise you received from Hunted, would you say it had any impact on how you went into recording Desolation? Did it free you guys up to experiment a bit more or just add another level of pressure?

When looking at the cover art and art included in the lyric book for Hunted it’s hard to imagine a more perfect representation of the album you are about to hear. Is this something you guys work on with the cover artist prior to making the music or did Samuel listen to the album and create this piece (the cover specifically) after?

Edit to add: just read the @Colonel_Angus posts. I’ll leave these here and have no care of which one gets chosen! Thanks both of you for even getting this done.
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Sorry, I figured you’d probably just provide em with an edited selection anyhow. I may post a few more as I think of em. Feel free to ask as many or as few as you feel appropriate. It’s nice of then to take the time out to do this and kudos to whomever is making this happen!
If you could ask them one question, would it really be their Personal Fruit Ranking?

If so, that's my point.