Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

I misread this at first and thought you didn't know who CRJ was, which is probably what @nolalady and @Rip_City are reacting to.
Nah, “Call Me Maybe” is still my jam. I just didn’t know who CRJ was referencing (probably the same way others don’t know who GBV are) but before I googled it, I figured it out and was proud of myself.
Yea that’s cool, and maybe I’m asking a question that people can’t really answer.

I guess what I’m asking is…what do they see in their art or personalities that motivates them to connect with each other?
Money. Swift is a very popular mainstream artist. While The National have boatloads of indie cred to spare. She get thought of, in certain circles; as more “legitimate” and The National gain more fans in the mainstream.
Kind of a weird take here but

For someone who is considered a sex symbol to the new generation; Harry Styles music is completely devoid of any sexiness. And for someone who sings about doing drugs his music has zero grit to it. He is like if someone took prince and sanded off anything that made prince sexy or interesting but still marketed him in the same way. As someone who cries whenever I smoke I feel like I could sing about drugs in a way more interesting and convincing way than he does
Kind of a weird take here but

For someone who is considered a sex symbol to the new generation; Harry Styles music is completely devoid of any sexiness. And for someone who sings about doing drugs his music has zero grit to it. He is like if someone took prince and sanded off anything that made prince sexy or interesting but still marketed him in the same way. As someone who cries whenever I smoke I feel like I could sing about drugs in a way more interesting and convincing way than he does
I’ll be completely honest. I heard As It Was on tick tock. Maybe it was the slowed down version. But when I listened to it, I really identified. I’m going through a divorce and it really hit detached melancholy mood I was in that weekend. They lyrics kind of fit too.
Now my 7 year old requests it. And we drive around town listening to my divorce coping song going to and from grocery shopping and His soccer games.
I’ll be completely honest. I heard As It Was on tick tock. Maybe it was the slowed down version. But when I listened to it, I really identified. I’m going through a divorce and it really hit detached melancholy mood I was in that weekend. They lyrics kind of fit too.
Now my 7 year old requests it. And we drive around town listening to my divorce coping song going to and from grocery shopping and His soccer games.
But this sort of backs up @Fleetwood-Matt’s point. Harry made your divorce coping song which is incredibly unsexy (But it’s a song I really like along with Music for a Sushi Restaurant).
I mean what’s sexier than a 40 something male with teenage feelings and a 7 year old in the back seat? Right 😂
If I have learned anything from TikTok it's that somewhere, someone is looking for exactly this. Like, right now, there's a non-zero number of people going just absolutely feral for a 40-something dad in touch with his feelings who takes care of his kids.
Kind of a weird take here but

For someone who is considered a sex symbol to the new generation; Harry Styles music is completely devoid of any sexiness. And for someone who sings about doing drugs his music has zero grit to it. He is like if someone took prince and sanded off anything that made prince sexy or interesting but still marketed him in the same way. As someone who cries whenever I smoke I feel like I could sing about drugs in a way more interesting and convincing way than he does
I really enjoy Harry Styles but, yeah, not much sexiness or grit.

Though he is mighty pretty.
Former boyband star who got his chance in said boyband through a tv talent show lacks edge.

I thought this was the hot takes thread? Or have I stumbled into the Captain Obvious thread?

He does have a good PR team though.
Though not necessarily edgy, There’ve been some artists to come out of similar background; Justin Timberlake, Bobby Brown, Robbie Williams, Michael Jackson, Ricky Martin, etc.. that felt like they were at least still making music for young adults as opposed to 40 year old divorcees. Harry Styles makes Ed Sheeran look like Prince by comparison.
You lost me here.

You mean in musical talent or uh, "pure sex appeal"...
My point was both are boring and make music that moms and their preteen daughters can get behind. Where as at least JT and and Bobby Brown offered something with more overt sex appeal as opposed to a sly double entendre here and there.
My point was both are boring and make music that moms and their preteen daughters can get behind. Where as at least JT and and Bobby Brown offered something with more overt sex appeal as opposed to a sly double entendre here and there.
I thought you were trying to make Ed Sheeran a sex symbol and I was gonna have to stop you right there.