Pre-Order Thread

Only with bros and frat boys

And angry teenagers. I really like to think that even back then I kinda knew they were shit. This was the only one I bought and even angry teenage Joe didn’t listen to it as much as the other nu metal stuff.

Then I left home and went to uni and wanted to listen to fun music to dance to…
If money was no object I’d totally pay someone to develop the Men In Black memory thingy to erase all knowledge of this band and album from my memory. What was teenage Joe thinking!
So I did go back and listen to it this afternoon and it’s not good but I totally bought the CD when it came out. Significant Other was always my favorite of theirs I guess. I couldn’t in good conscience buy this but I would totally buy Creed’s My Own Prison if money was no object.
Not with anyone I hung around with. By ‘99 my group of friends had moved beyond Butt Rock. It took the rest of the world a few more years to catch up.

You were definitely cooler than I was then. Weezer was always my favorite band growing up, but people who became my really good friends after high school were listening to Fugazi and Black Flag growing up. If it wasn’t on the radio, I had no idea who those bands were.