4th Annual N&G 31 Days* of Halloween (2022)

I've mostly been watching horror tv shows the past few weeks (Midnight Mass, Bly Manor), but I am now diving back into some recent-ish horror movies that I missed. I just finished The Witch (2016), which I have heard about since it came out. But for whatever reason I never actually watched it. I loved The Lighthouse, so I was expecting a kind of similar experience here. And it sorta is. It's stripped down to the most essential beats of the story, all leading to the fantastic conclusion. I'd have to watch it again to really judge how I feel about it. I'd say I enjoyed aspects of it, but I was expecting maybe just a bit more. It does a good job crafting atmosphere though, much like The Lighthouse, which is much scarier to me than most modern horror films. (the atmospheric dread, that is, not The Lighthouse specifically)

Next up...The Babadook. I have a pretty high threshold for what scares me. I couldn't even really name a film right now that utterly scared me. There are parts of David Lynch's stuff that really creep me out. And I remember being kind of scared of The Amityville Horror when I was younger. But for the most part, most things don't scare me enough to make feel like it keeps me up at night or something. But...for some reason, since first hearing about / seeing a trailer for The Babadook I thought...hmmm maybe this is the one that would be too scary to me. I don't know why. It just seems actually terrifying? But...I'm confronting that now. I'm more curious about it now than anything, especially knowing some consider it a genuinely great film.
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May (2002)


I remember enjoying the hell out of this one close to 20 years ago when it was first released but I hadn't seen it since. Angela Bettis is still terrific as she makes you feel so epically awkward over and over in this movie which not many actresses could have pulled off this well while seeming so innocent through it all. Watching it again I came out of it wishing the final 10-15 minutes happened earlier in the movie so we could have delved deeper into all that though. It's like a well done mashup of an awkward indie drama and a twisted horror. Every time it starts to feel a bit too serious or morbid you get hit with an absurd scene that keeps things somewhat even kilt such as the gem of a scene with a guy that comes back to her place to share some Jujubes and get's "hot" so he asks if he can take his shirt off.. a minute later he's like fuckkkkkk it's still so hot, you mind if I get some ice cubes to rub my nipples?!.. You question wtf you are watching haha but it was all a stage to introduce a darker surprise. I didn't love it like I remembered after the first time I seen it but it was still solid and well made.

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For my horror prompt of the day, gothic, how could I not take advantage of Criterion Channel's spooky season addition of Jean Rollin's Fascination? This one doesn't pop up on streaming often, and I've made my way through all of his films available on Arrow Player.

In Fascination, a petty thief seeks refuge from his pursuers in a castle where two women, also lovers, are preparing for a private ceremony with important guests. They toy with the thief, playing both captives and captors while challenging the bonds of their own relationship as their wants grow farther and farther apart.

It's a stylish film, but it lacks the more ethereal tendencies that I enjoy most about Rollin's works. The Living Dead Girl and the playful The Shiver of the Vampires remain my favorites among his output.

Not the second monstrous femmes movie I have in mind, but I needed to thrown on something brainless in the background and this certainly fit that bill. Talk about a total nothingburger. Figured I'd get this out of the way since people seem to somewhat enjoy the sequels by comparison.


The Nightshifter (PortuguΓͺs) (2019)


I went with a couple Shudder exclusives which started with this one. Another movie with two different halves. The first half was great with the main character able to have conversations with the dead while in the morgue which had some great atmosphere, creepy asf moments and kept me engaged. Then the second half abandoned this for the most part and just turned into a revenge ghost story with cheap jump scares littered throughout. Still, the main character trying to hold onto to his sanity through it all makes it a good enough watch.

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Sissy (2022)


I let someone else pick this one and not gonna lie it started out so brutally bad.. Just extremely cringe and every single character is so toxic and unlikeable I would have likely turned it off if it was just me but then the second half happened and it got pretty brutal and had some legitimate crazy moments I was not expecting to happen at all. Still not a movie i'd watch again but not nearly as bad as I expected it to be a few minutes in either.

20. The Craft (1996)
Rating: πŸ’€ πŸ’€ πŸ’€
Some good 90's nostalgia. It's less creepier than I remember but an iconic performance from Fairuza Balk! I forgot that Christine Taylor played the racist blonde girl.
It's been a while since I've seen this. May be overdue for a rewatch!

Also I have been watching stuff, just falling behind on posting as usual πŸ˜… I'll hopefully be able to get caught up tomorrow or tonight.
Forget Annabelle. Here's the true other monstrous femme movie I planned for today. And, oh boy, what fun it was.

The more John Waters I see, the more it all makes sense. This here shares a clear ethos (or anti-ethos?) with both Pink Flamingos and Cecil B. Demented, so with knowledge of those in my hopper Multiple Maniacs doesn't seem all that crazy.

It's been fun accidentally introducing my roommate to various aspects of my Catholic upbringing through horror movies and shows. Never would have thought this would be the experience that taught her the stations of the cross, but here we are.

It's been a while since I've seen this. May be overdue for a rewatch!

Also I have been watching stuff, just falling behind on posting as usual πŸ˜… I'll hopefully be able to get caught up tomorrow or tonight.
Do it! I remember watching this on TV a lot back then. It's still worth watching. It's a bit 90s cheesy but not in a really bad way
Also I have been watching stuff, just falling behind on posting as usual πŸ˜… I'll hopefully be able to get caught up tomorrow or tonight.

Me too...but gonna catch up with posts now.

I watched this back on Sunday night, then I had to work Monday and then had tonight off....and then I work the next 2 nights.


Fade To Black (1980) πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

This seems to be considered a "horror" movie, but it seemed like a crime thriller. A mix of Joker, Falling Down, Taxi Driver - all with a movie-obsessed protagonist. Dennis Christopher does do a great job in the lead role.


Day 48.

The Watcher

It's a miniseries that the wife and I finished last night. The first episode had me hoping it would be a horror, but it's mostly a suspense with a little thriller mixed in occasionally. I don't know how much was based on "a true story" but the premise was good and it could have been made into a great horror. As it was I enjoyed it, but it fell short in the end.
