Pre-Order Thread

I had an Algebra teacher in HS that was in her 60s but looked 85. Said she never drank water in her adult life and only drank coca-cola in bottles. 15 years later and she’s still alive as far as I know. Science needs to study her.
Somehow the carbonation has created a sort of fossilization and her bones are now rock.

Apologies for crossposting with the repress thread, but I figure some may not check that one and want this.
This probably won't last long. Kikagaku Moyo Live at Levitation repress.

Edit: not a repress, they found an old box!
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Apologies for crossposting with the repress thread, but I figure some may not check that one and want this.
This probably won't last long. Kikagaku Moyo Live at Levitation repress.
Not falling for this again. Somehow I ended up accidentally ordering 4 different copies of the Black Angels set.
Not falling for this again. Somehow I ended up accidentally ordering 4 different copies of the Black Angels set.
I missed this first time around so only one copy for me. They put out some pretty variants so I can see how easy it would be to order different ones. They've been on fire with some of the recent sets. The Mint Field one is especially fantastic.


I had an Algebra teacher in HS that was in her 60s but looked 85. Said she never drank water in her adult life and only drank coca-cola in bottles. 15 years later and she’s still alive as far as I know. Science needs to study her.
The characters on Just Like That (The Sex In The City sequel) are the same age as The Golden Girls.
Is this a good time to keep dwelling on the fact that Kiefer Sutherland was only 35 during the first season of 24?
Also, I seen a lot of news this week regarding the fact that Sam Neal was 22 years older than Laura Dern in the first Jurassic Park. While this one s not uncommon in Hollywood. I was still surprised at how large the difference in age was in this instance. It’s not that Neal looked young or Dern looked old but 22 years is a pretty large gap, larger than I had expected.