Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 36 - June 2022 /// Haley Heynderickx - I Need To Start A Garden


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Blee Blah Blee
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I will begin with complete transparency. In the years preceding my turn at the guess thread I have picked multiple albums and even began spreadsheets of clues. In every case I was thwarted either by wiley JQBXers or the state of the vinyl market over time. Meeting the criteria of being affordable and widely available is a relatively high bar if the additional criteria of bringing out something deeply meaningful to myself is also included. While my pick is relatively recent in time I did want to avoid pitching any new releases. I even decided that I'd let the possibility of an AMA be deciding factor and spent my lead up month soliciting various artists on Bandcamp to no avail. By the time I was expected to kick off the guess thread I did not have an actual pick in mind! Thus, the first couple posts with albums that I felt deserved it but were not available or never on vinyl were stalls for time and false clues to throw everyone off the trail.

I chose the album I did for a number of reasons. Anyone who knows much about my tastes in music could describe me as well steeped in women singer songwriters with a particular bent for folk sensibilities. I am easily wooed by forthright lyrics of emotional honesty. I love repeated lyrical melodies where the meaning or even the actual words shifts with each repetition. I am especially fond of messages that are delivered in layers ripe for personal interpretation while belying an artist's own unique experience. As Bill Hicks famously surmised, "...we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively... life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves". Music that brings me into that vibration is music that moves me to share with others.

I discovered this album through JQBX when @Goatfish played it for me. To be honest I had never really looked to see when the album was released until it became my AotM pick. I'll also add that I am a bit put off by the fact that it was a VMP release but let that go since promoting art of this stature is noble regardless who is behind it.

This music is nearly timeless as it is largely devoid of any contemporary references. Furthermore, it's a quick listen clocking in at 30 minutes and a few seconds. That fact alone has put it on my table numerous times. I have found that the melody driven aspect makes the overall album extremely approachable while putting in the effort to really listen to the songs rewards me with one of those perfect experiences involving a litany of seemingly disconnected images passing by while multiple layers of message start to form.

Haley has a unique voice and style that was very much solidified for me when I watched her and her band's tiny desk performance. Everything I thought I knew about her was only confirmed. I like artists who strike me as so profoundly connected to their message and presentation of it that I find myself shutting up externally so I can better explore my own relationship with the world around me.

I know simple singer-songwriter/folk arrangements are not everyone's cup of tea but I do feel everyone should have some shelf space reserved for the genre and that this album is worthy of taking a highly limited spot in there.

Now for the bad news. When I picked this album out the bandcamp page by all appearance had this record in stock for a perfectly reasonable price. In the past 2 weeks that status has changed to sold out. Haley is currently on "tour" doing performances in her area and my presumption is that she has taken her stock with her to the shows. I have contacted her to see if additional stock or imminent represses may come available. In the meantime, we were all so lucky this month to have 2 AotM's and that other album is 100% confirmed available.

I reached out for an AMA but got no response so maybe this little interview link will suffice.
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Alright, alright, alright. The moment has passed and the time has come. Those who know will see and those who don't will learn.

Let's begin with a few albums it is knot:



Wrong Answers Only:
Slipknot - anything by them ever
You know what, while I am actually triggered enough to think about it let's just go ahead and add AFI - anything ever too
Knot - Knot
Juggaknots - idk is that a single, an album, whatever i've never even heard of them
Nickelback - no, just no
Debby Deb - She's Back
Arrogant SOB's - fun band name except they already convinced me not to listen
The Knife - Silent Shout (best guess to date but also very, VERY wrong)
31 Knots - Talk Like Blood (or like did I mix up the artist/album names, I have no idea)
The Knack - Get the Knack (or Get the Whack) thanks for clarifying the album/artist here, it's more than I did for you listing my album photos
Knxeledge - Klouds (great guess and very on point for an album I almost picked which is entirely unlike the album I ended up picking)
Brian Eno - Music for Airports (everyone take note of what real guesses look like; but not too close cause this one is also wrong)
Jesca Hoop - The House that Jack Built (mmm mmm mmm, yes, yes, but also no)
Rokia Kone & JacKNife Lee - Bamanan (thanks for the recc!)
Free Money - The Jack Moves (free money ain't free but disparagement for wrong guesses is)
The Notwist - Neon Golden (no back talk for seeing thru the k's)
Really From -S/T (thank you and please continue... making wrong guesses with fabulous hair shots)
Sarah Mary Chadwick - Please Daddy (I like hair but mostly on heads, y'all)
Jess Williamson - Sorceress (I will change my mind and say it IS this album for a sniff of her hair)
Carlie Hanson - Tough Boy (new to me, don't hate it but it's no dua lipa so it's out)
nightmares on wax - carboot soul (nice album, also nice attempt at sleuthing but not even remotely close) (is this album available?)
Nadia Reid “Out of My Province” maybe a better guess than the actual pick!
Angel Olson – Whole New Mess (guess you messed that up)
TMBG - Flood (you might be WRONG)
Jackie O - Bloom (appreciate the profane(ly) WRONG)
NIN - Broken (this guess is broken)
Peaches - Father Fucker (father fucked this one up)
William Control - Noir (noir it isn't)
Lingua Ignota - Caligula - nope, it's notta
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