
I've never actually seen Bound but this description makes me want to
i think my favorite part (besides uh gina gershon and jennifer tilly) is that they made it as an audition piece in order to be given the green light to do the matrix, since they were still relatively unknown and no one wanted to just give them a gajillion dollars for the matrix. and then they went and put keanu reeves -- who is now golden and beloved but at the time was constantly and instantly derided as wooden and terribly 1-dimensional. I think he'd just come off johnny mnemonic or devil's advocate, neither of which really helped the argument that he wasn't actually made out of wood and hope.
i think my favorite part (besides uh gina gershon and jennifer tilly) is that they made it as an audition piece in order to be given the green light to do the matrix, since they were still relatively unknown and no one wanted to just give them a gajillion dollars for the matrix. and then they went and put keanu reeves -- who is now golden and beloved but at the time was constantly and instantly derided as wooden and terribly 1-dimensional. I think he'd just come off johnny mnemonic or devil's advocate, neither of which really helped the argument that he wasn't actually made out of wood and hope.
Thing is, for as popular as The Matrix was, he was still derided that way throughout the series and once it was done. Constantine, The Lake House, Street Kings, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Man of Tai Chi, and 47 Ronin were all clunkers. John Wick was a B-movie favor to a friend that had NO RIGHT to launch a Keanussance. Everything about that movie screamed 'WalMart dollar bin.' It was only through enthusiastic word of mouth that it took off the way it did.

Of course it does help that in the meantime people got to know more about Keanu's series of personal tragedies, and his reputation for being a generous and lovely guy. But if it hadn't been for John Wick taking everyone by surprise in 2014, he'd be toiling as a VOD has-been right now. Keanu's got triple digit credits on IMDb, but if you really think about it, his career is Theodore Ted Logan, Johnny Utah, Neo, and John Wick, with an honorary mention to Jack Traven of Speed. The rest is either forgettable, or memorable specifically because it was bad.
his career is Theodore Ted Logan, Johnny Utah, Neo, and John Wick, with an honorary mention to Jack Traven of Speed.
Three of those were very popular movie franchises though. He was also in Van Zandt’s My Own Private Idaho which, while not a blockbuster; was critically acclaimed and both Keanu and Phoenix were thought of as serious actors as a result. I would say his career is probably comparable to other actors from the same time, a bit below Di Caprio, Pitt or Depp but a bit above Ethan Hawk or John Cusack or Christian Slater. His best career comp would probably be Mark Wahlberg in that Marky Mark can only play slightly different versions of himself. I think Reeves actually has more range but Wahlberg has chosen better roles.

I guess what I am saying is that Keanu Reeves had a fairly respectable career. The wooden acting thing was probably a bit unfairly applied.
I guess what I am saying is that Keanu Reeves had a fairly respectable career. The wooden acting thing was probably a bit unfairly applied.
Oh yeah I don't mean to imply that he hasn't had some serious star power, I just think it was on the wane by the time John Wick was made.

I'm not sure the woodenness rep has been unfairly applied to Reeves, as much as his woodenness has, to your point, been applied to the wrong roles in several cases. He does have more range -- roles in things like Ali Wong's Always Be My Maybe prove that -- but it for sure takes a skilled filmmaker to make sure that Keanu and the film are calibrated so that he doesn't seem tonally dissonant.

I think another good analog to Keanu is Dermot Mulroney. A good actor who cannot seem to ever fully overcome his surfer dude inflections and mannerisms.
The Matrix Trilogy 4K/DV $14.99

If anyone wants to catch up on the Matrix movies, the Trilogy is on sale on the iTunes store right now.
I loved the original movie, but that first sequel was one of the most boring movies I ever saw in the cinema. It just hadno redeeming qualities. I started watching the third on TV but never made it through so I hope they just forget about 2 and three for resurrection cause that trailer actually got me interested
wkw’s happy together is maybe one of the most beautiful movies I’ve ever seen? goddamn. just ecstatically gorgeous pure cinema.
Added to my list.

Interestingly we watched this one recently and had the same feeling! True Beauty, and a love letter to the cinema!
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Disney has now announced that the rest of the fills coming out in 2021 will debut exclusively in theaters. There will no longer debut on Disney Plus at the same time, but rather 45 days later.

This decision likely has less to do with COVID and current conditions than it does to do with the lawsuit brought on by Black Widow's star Scarlett Johansson over Black Widow being released simultaneously on Disney + as in theaters directly impacting her salary.
That final scene is so powerful that I once teared up just explaining it to someone.
have you seen the extended version where he meets up with the girl from his youth etc? worth seeing (although the cut version is better imo)