Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

At my son’s school...just some simple questions parent can fudge and the follow up is inconsistent from the school if you don’t complete them. No cases so far at his school that we know of, but one other district has 74 students out on quarantine. It’s a complete lack of leadership that they aren’t willing to make a tough decision to have the students and staff tested. The school boards declined the money being offered to support testing. I’m worried to with the recall in CA that the new governor will roll back all the protections and we will turn in to Florida. I seriously think that voting no on the recall will save lives.
I think that most of our Covid issues can be boiled down to a complete lack of leadership. The CDC should have taken the reins from the beginning, but since the pandemic office was dissolved 2 years before the pandemic, this is just a pipe dream. We have no coherent national strategy which is part of why we're bungling this up so bad.
I think that most of our Covid issues can be boiled down to a complete lack of leadership. The CDC should have taken the reins from the beginning, but since the pandemic office was dissolved 2 years before the pandemic, this is just a pipe dream. We have no coherent national strategy which is part of why we're bungling this up so bad.

Probably true, but with the school board it’s the lack of willingness to make a decision that will piss people off but is the right decision for the safety of everyone. I hear there is a lawsuit in TX regarding kids with disabilities not being able to got to school because of the lack of mask mandate.

SC too is apparently falling in line behind Florida and Texas.

The mandate of having a vaccination or showing proof of a negative test result every 72 hours that our global holding company issued yesterday is also apparently illegal under the executive order SC's governor signed. We have a office location in SC, and they are being told "we need to figure this out, like you we have questions. We don't have answers yet. Until we do just continue along with wearing a mask when in the office when walking around or within 6 feet of other people.".
SC too is apparently falling in line behind Florida and Texas.

The mandate of having a vaccination or showing proof of a negative test result every 72 hours that our global holding company issued yesterday is also apparently illegal under the executive order SC's governor signed. We have a office location in SC, and they are being told "we need to figure this out, like you we have questions. We don't have answers yet. Until we do just continue along with wearing a mask when in the office when walking around or within 6 feet of other people.".
Yeah, my wife just started back teaching 6th graders and the county is trying to defy the anti-mask mandate law but I'm not sure they really can. It is a mess. At least our county has a higher than average vaccination rate than most of SC I guess.
My school board voted to mandate masks for pre-K through 6th grade. I’m very happy that the under 12 population will be protected, but am not happy that the unvaccinated older kids won’t be protected. However, my younger boy turns 12 in a couple weeks, so he’ll be good!

Yeah, my wife just started back teaching 6th graders and the county is trying to defy the anti-mask mandate law but I'm not sure they really can. It is a mess. At least our county has a higher than average vaccination rate than most of SC I guess.
From what I read, some school districts in Texas are making the masks part of the dress code. Nice little loophole.
Well my daughter just finished her second week of school and just before bed tonight, she sneezed and lots of snot came out. It wasn’t all clear. Hoping that it’s just some allergies. Our air quality has been pretty poor because of the California fires. We’ll see how the weekend plays out. 🤞🏻

Texas Lt. Gov. falsely implies Black people to blame for Covid surge​

CNN's Laura Coates and Dr. Cedric Dark discuss Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who in a recent interview on Fox News claimed that African Americans were to blame for the ever-increasing wave of coronavirus cases.
Source: CNN
so 60% of patients in hospital with severe covid in israel in the moment are fully vaxed. and here is a nice article by a statistician that shows why that does not meian the vaccines are uneffctive but rather shows how effective they still are
so 60% of patients in hospital with severe covid in israel in the moment are fully vaxed. and here is a nice article by a statistician that shows why that does not meian the vaccines are uneffctive but rather shows how effective they still are
I've been following this.
I've also talked to a colleague who's husband is a hospital doc and he is confirming the same thing. Most of the people they are seeing are unvaxed, but there is a growing number of older, at risk people that are getting breakthrough infections. I have also been reading about re-infection--which they are saying can't happen. But I'm really not sure about that either. With all these new variants, it would surprise me if people could only get sick once.

My dad, who is immunocompromised, got a booster, but I've told my parents that they really need to be careful even though we have a statewide mask mandate back in place.

Here's the trends they are seeing in Israel:
"The vaccinated patients are older, unhealthy, often they were bedridden before infection, immobile and already requiring nursing care," said Noa Eliakim-Raz, head of the coronavirus ward at Rabin Medical Centre in Petach Tikva.

In contrast, "the unvaccinated COVID patients we see are young, healthy, working people and their condition deteriorates rapidly," she said. "Suddenly they're being put on oxygen or on a respirator."

Israel's Health Ministry raised new alarm this week with a report showing the effectiveness against severe disease of the Pfizer vaccine, developed with Germany's BioNTech, appeared to have dropped from more than 90% to 55% in people age 65 and up who received their second jab in January.

Disease experts say it is not clear how representative the figures are, but agree it is concerning given evidence that overall vaccine protection against infection is waning.

They cannot say whether that is due to the amount of time that has passed since inoculation, the ability of the highly contagious Delta variant to evade protection, the age and underlying health of the people vaccinated, or a combination of all of these factors.

Health officials in the UK and United States, two other nations with high vaccination rates and a spike in Delta infections, have reported similar trends. In the UK, about 35% of the people hospitalized with a Delta case in recent weeks had received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Nearly three-quarters of U.S. breakthrough infections that led to hospitalization or death were among people age 65 or older, according to federal data.

Curious to see if some people actually get the vax now that it's approved or if the goalposts will just move again (not holding my breath)
I just yesterday got into an argument with my (non-vaccinated) mother about this. "I don't trust the mRNA vaccines!" "well, johnson and johnson isn't an mRNA machine, let's go get you one" "no, i have allergies!" " penicillin and codeine, neither of which are in any vaccine, let's go" "no, the pharma industry is making money off this!" "I don't give a shit mom, advil isn't free and i still take it when i have a headache, let them make money I just don't want a dead mother"

So uh anyway. How was your weekend.