Pre-Order Thread

LCD Soundsystem - The Long Goodbye repress, $110 shipped from Germany
LCD Soundsystem - The Long Goodbye repress, $110 shipped from Germany
More like the short goodbye amirite?

Tracklist is amazing, but I hate comps.
It's a really great tracklist. Are these NOW comps generally released in the US, too? I picked up a NOW 80's comp second hand a couple years ago for perhaps $2, but cannot recall ever seeing one new in a store here recently. Last time I saw one was at Virgin Records in Union Square, NYC sometime around 2002ish.
JFC, just realized how many pre-orders I've got/had with Hello Merch after a bad experience with them. Opened a 2lp set to find two copies of LP1. They sent a snippy reply: "I'm sorry, but we do not do exchanges/returns with any media forms.. vinyl, CDs, tapes."

I like to support bands directly, but if they're using Hello Merch, I guess I use Amazon or Target going forward.
JFC, just realized how many pre-orders I've got/had with Hello Merch after a bad experience with them. Opened a 2lp set to find two copies of LP1. They sent a snippy reply: "I'm sorry, but we do not do exchanges/returns with any media forms.. vinyl, CDs, tapes."

I like to support bands directly, but if they're using Hello Merch, I guess I use Amazon or Target going forward.

This may sound snotty on my end but if that happened to me and I got that response I'd be seeing if I could initiate a chargeback. They didn't send what they said they would.