Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I meeaaaaaan there was the fancy cable saga. And he OWNS (I think) his place in Toronto. Might as well rename himself Mr. Monoploy Mather
If by "owns" you mean "has a 25 year mortgage that he owes to a major financial institution" then yes.

I believe it you were to section off a percentage of my house that I actually OWN it would be one of the closets, maybe the en suite bathroom... that's about it.
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*coughs* Molson & Labbats *coughs*

While the Americans are particularly bad for it every country has its own local piss water beer
She works for Sleeman/Sapporo, but the absolute best brand she reps is Unibrou. They win multitudes of World Beer awards every year and I have not had a single thing they brew that isn't absolutely incredible.
Man, just cause your pisswater is served at "cellar temperature" doesn't make it less like piss ;)

Real ale is for old men called Colin who smell a little, collect old newspapers and ride vintage motorcycles at 10mph in the countryside at the weekends blocking the road for normal people. Also that’s Britain. I don’t live there anymore 🤪