Definitive Audiophile pressings

...Also the Chris Bellman Rhino cut of Tom Petty's first album is perhaps the best sounding Rhino reissue I've ever heard. Maybe either that or Love Forever Changes, both Bellman I think.

EDIT: of course the KG Electric Warrior too
All of the Petty albums in the first box set should be of similar quality as far as I can tell:

Lush Life is kind of a weird one for Craft to start off with isn’t it? I know it’s Coltrane and that it will sell because it’s Coltrane but feels kind of weird.
It's the 60th anniversary of it. Will be interesting to see what other titles they do but as mentioned, Craft has a HUGE catalogue of fantastic albums.
All of the Petty albums in the first box set should be of similar quality as far as I can tell:

Yep, that's the box set Bellman did for Rhino, all AAA I believe and outstanding reviews. The one i have i the breakout from that box, they did a RSD white variant too.
Grab the in rainbows’s very nice
I would love to get that! I’ve heard so many people on this forum say how stunning it sounds! It’s so expensive for me to get it though, especially as I’m in Australia. I’ve looked into it on Discogs and it’s just been too expensive.

I’m hoping they do a repress of that boxset in the future or just do a high quality pressing of their whole catalog. Like I want the Radiohead discography to get the RTI, Kevin Gray treatment!
Me too!!! I would love to have audiophile pressings of In Rainbows, Kid A, Amnesiac and OK Computer !!! That would be absolutely incredible!!!

Grab the in rainbows’s very nice

Yes this, it’s my second best pressing after the one step I own, it’s very good indeed. I won’t say again how much I paid for it new...
I paid $160 CAD brand new last year. It was a very good deal.

Yes I am bragging.
I'm sorry.
you can still find them for decent deals if ya look hard enough! I scoured eBay for months and found one for something like $120 shipped that had been barely played. Nearly panicked when it arrived in a gigantic box stuffed with some craft paper and paper towels but somehow it made it...
you can still find them for decent deals if ya look hard enough! I scoured eBay for months and found one for something like $120 shipped that had been barely played. Nearly panicked when it arrived in a gigantic box stuffed with some craft paper and paper towels but somehow it made it...
Paper towels. Haha! That's fantastic.
One can dream :) I do believe that some of the brickwalling was done in the mix/master not recording though right? Maybe I'm mistaken...I'm not super knowledgable about that aspect of it!
Most compression is done in mastering, particularly hard brickwalling. Vinyl masters digitally recorded virtually always will have less compression. Compression is never used in recording so multitrack digital will always have the full dynamic range.

here's the press release

1000 copies? This is gunna cost a freaking fortune.


release date feb 19, 2021
Just catching up on all this. Its a good job im not in the US otherwise I would be up for this. As an international, I can imagine shipping would tip it way over the edge for me in terms of price.

Looking at the photo, the box treatment reminds me of their Sonny Rollins Way Out West set (which I think @Mather also has is memory serves?). Its a really great set and significantly less than this will be, although obviously the vinyl treatment won't be near as good.

With it being 1000 copies I imagine it will sell out fast, especially as they are opening with a Coltrane title.
Just catching up on all this. Its a good job im not in the US otherwise I would be up for this. As an international, I can imagine shipping would tip it way over the edge for me in terms of price.

Looking at the photo, the box treatment reminds me of their Sonny Rollins Way Out West set (which I think @Mather also has is memory serves?). Its a really great set and significantly less than this will be, although obviously the vinyl treatment won't be near as good.

With it being 1000 copies I imagine it will sell out fast, especially as they are opening with a Coltrane title.
Im going to change my mind on the price and say this is likely a $99 price point which is the same as the 33 UHQRs.

craft also has an international/UK site so may be worth checking there when it launches!
Just catching up on all this. Its a good job im not in the US otherwise I would be up for this. As an international, I can imagine shipping would tip it way over the edge for me in terms of price.

Looking at the photo, the box treatment reminds me of their Sonny Rollins Way Out West set (which I think @Mather also has is memory serves?). Its a really great set and significantly less than this will be, although obviously the vinyl treatment won't be near as good.

With it being 1000 copies I imagine it will sell out fast, especially as they are opening with a Coltrane title.

I got an e-mail in December promoting a new UK online store for Craft. They may sell it through this outlet:
