Hip Hop

go to dusty groove on Ashland. They will have a bunch

opens at 7, get there at 5. Fill out their form ahead of time

This is probably the only way I get Pilot Talk. I live 20 minutes from DG and gotta get my dog to his vet appointment by 8 am. I'd have to be at the front of the line to make it. Did you line up last month? How many people were there at 5?
VMP dropping some fire.. damn.
Glad I buy my memberships yearly lol

If this is the hook then I am expecting great drops after aswell to maintain the momentum.

2 months in a row that they drop something that I mentioned and posted about multiple times in the suggestion thread on the old forum. Spiritualized and that Gabor Szabo. I'm just going to go find a copy of Dreams elsewhere