May 2020 Record Challenge Thread (PRIZE RAFFLE AT THE END!)

Day 11: Album you’ve gotten from a record club

I miss Feedbands. It was a cool little club that had previously unpublished bands upload their music, then members, like myself, vote for their favorites. Through some unknown algorithm, the best album was pressed to vinyl. The club wasn't run very well, but it was fun to discover new music. It went out of business last year. When they were going, they had some of the prettiest vinyl around, also some of the most collectable. In my top 10 most expensive vinyl (according to discogs) there are maybe five from Feedbands.

Here is a fun one...

The Native Howl - Thrash Grass

Day 12: FOMO

Like most people here I was going to post a variation of “I’m not much of a FOMO buyer.”

But we all make mistakes sometimes. My worst ever FOMO buys have already been sold back for credit at my local record store, but this one I intend to keep for personal reasons. This 3-LP set of Brazilian music compiled by David Byrne was an impulse RSD buy; had I done my research, I would've passed on the boxset and instead bought a used copy of the first record for < $5, since that’s the only one I’m ever likely to spin:

Day 13 - conversational

I really struggle with these very personal things and it’s not because I don’t want to be open or am scared. It’s because I’m just different from everyone I’ve ever met. I’m wired differently. So it’s hard for me to define an album that speaks to me although many of them do, it’s just hard to express and it always feels wrong to sort of shoehorn all that I am in all my contradictions and humanity.

so the ones that are the most personal are like this one or Sturgill’s Sailor’s Guide or Dave Matthews’ Before These Crowded Streets. These albums are about men coming to terms with family and responsibility. They about people of age becoming adults. Maturity and parenthood. I identify with these because my daughter saved my life. It took me a few more years to become responsible and I still falter but she made me the person I am today more than just about anything else and I’m certain if not for the responsibility of her, I’d have died some horrible homeless junkie death because that is literally the road I was headed down.

so why did this album win out (especially given that DMB coincides pretty nicely with that moment in my life as well as being a bit of epiphany in that regard? The first reason is I’d have to pull a @Joe Mac cheat, because I have it cd, the other reason...)? Because there is a song where he has an actual conversation with Fiona Apple on this record:

Andrew Bird - Are You Serious?
Day 13 - conversational

I really struggle with these very personal things and it’s not because I don’t want to be open or am scared. It’s because I’m just different from everyone I’ve ever met. I’m wired differently. So it’s hard for me to define an album that speaks to me although many of them do, it’s just hard to express and it always feels wrong to sort of shoehorn all that I am in all my contradictions and humanity.

so the ones that are the most personal are like this one or Sturgill’s Sailor’s Guide or Dave Matthews’ Before These Crowded Streets. These albums are about men coming to terms with family and responsibility. They about people of age becoming adults. Maturity and parenthood. I identify with these because my daughter saved my life. It took me a few more years to become responsible and I still falter but she made me the person I am today more than just about anything else and I’m certain if not for the responsibility of her, I’d have died some horrible homeless junkie death because that is literally the road I was headed down.

so why did this album win out (especially given that DMB coincides pretty nicely with that moment in my life as well as being a bit of epiphany in that regard? The first reason is I’d have to pull a @Joe Mac cheat, because I have it cd, the other reason...)? Because there is a song where he has an actual conversation with Fiona Apple on this record:

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Andrew Bird - Are You Serious?

I forgot i used to do the CD cheat once a month in the old place! Now you've given me ideas again :unsure:
Day 10 - An album that makes you yearn

The sensation I get when listening to this is definitely yearning. I couldn’t even tell you why.

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I’ve seen them twice. Both at Forecastle Fests in Louisville. Ended up with tears in my eyes both times. Something about this music, man.

Speaking of which. Starting your day thinking about Frightened Rabbit and Scott Hutchison’s death can really get you fucked up. It’s been.....a day. Now, I’m nursing an Old Fashioned and looking up old concert footage because I miss that. I miss being around people. I miss the echo. I miss the hum of a thousand conversations at once. I miss the heat of people all around. I miss leaning on the bar. Leaning on the rail. I miss feeling the music INSIDE MY CHEST. Fuck.
Day 13 - Conversational

John Prine - For Better, or Worse

These duets are all so sweet; sometimes funny, sometimes sad. I love both of these duets albums. (In Spite of Ourselves being the other)

I'm always partial to the ones he sings with Iris...and Who's Gonna Take The Garbage Out seems perfect for this topic.


Day 13: An album that feels conversational

I think there's something inherently conversational about a singer and an acoustic guitar. I'm still a Dylan newbie (though I do have the entire mono box set to explore), but Don't Think Twice, It's Alright is my favorite song of his and it's the first song I thought of when the topic came up.

I, on the other hand, am bad at conversations and I have a job where I have to talk on the phone for 8 hours a day so this probably did not come off very eloquently, haha.

Bob Dylan - The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Day 13: an album that feels conversational

The Range - Potential

The samples on this album come from the some of the most unknown singers and rappers on Youtube (sometimes he would find videos with single-digit views). Sampling, even at its most basic, always creates a musical conversation between the sampler and the sampled. Traditionally, sampling involves finding the crusty old gems only uncovered by crate-digging, the "pile of broken dreams" from the past as DJ Shadow once called it, but here The Range takes a look at those who uploaded creative, personal works in the here and now and only received complete indifference. Youtube is, for most of the people who post to it, a new and ever-growing pile of broken dreams, where most videos are lucky to get viewed a few dozen times. This album is a beautiful conversation with those creators whose obscurity has nothing to do with their talent or heart, just with the realities of the attention economy that prizes a select few.

Day 13: An album that feels conversational


Run DMC "King of Rock"

I have always loved the interaction between these two it was like eavesdropping on a conversation I really couldn't understand at the time but I knew they were saying something and it was new, innovative and the future of music! They were really head and shoulders above everyone else around them and ushered in the first "golden age" of rap! They set the stage for my musical journey that continues today.

Oh and If all else fails there is a song called "You Talk Too Much" on this record...
Day 13: an album that feels conversational

The Range - Potential

The samples on this album come from the some of the most unknown singers and rappers on Youtube (sometimes he would find videos with single-digit views). Sampling, even at its most basic, always creates a musical conversation between the sampler and the sampled. Traditionally, sampling involves finding the crusty old gems only uncovered by crate-digging, the "pile of broken dreams" from the past as DJ Shadow once called it, but here The Range takes a look at those who uploaded creative, personal works in the here and now and only received complete indifference. Youtube is, for most of the people who post to it, a new and ever-growing pile of broken dreams, where most videos are lucky to get viewed a few dozen times. This album is a beautiful conversation with those creators whose obscurity has nothing to do with their talent or heart, just with the realities of the attention economy that prizes a select few.

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Wow this looks nice. May have to search for it later. What pressing is this?
Death Grips - Exmilitary
I assume this theme is for an album with a lot of 😱 👀 naughty words 👀 😱
And I think this album fits the bill. MC Ride has such a way with words. I believe we're supposed to keep things relatively SFW so I won't quote anything directly but you don't have to take my word for it. I think this video makes a case for the album's explicit nature well enough:
Day 13: An album that feels conversational

Lisa O’Neill - Heard A Long Gone Song

So confession. Today I had planned to play either Blood on the Tracks or Blue, two beautiful, deep, intimate and conversational albums. I decided instead, because you’ve all seen me play those 1000 time, to showcase something else entirely.

What could be more conversational that traditional folk songs? Folk emerged from a tradition from before print where the news and stories weren’t typed and recorded, they were immortalised in song. This collection of traditional Irish folk songs is from an artist who is very much from her place. Lisa is from Cavan, one of the three counties in Ulster that isn't part of the North, and she sings with a very distinctive regional singing voice. It’s beautiful stuff, but i could understand it putting some people off, it’s very distinctive and raw.

Also if you want to check out anything from this, check out the original song Violet Gibson and that ladies story. She was an Irish woman who in 1926 attempted to assassinate Mussolini in Rome but missed, skimming his nose with the bullet from her revolver.

This came from the same record club as the Anna Mieke above so equally could have fitted in for that day.

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Day 14: Rated M for mature

So I took this as mature musically , not sweary bitchrap stuff, which seems quite immature to me , so I can’t think of anything more mature than this wonderful album that modernised trad English folk from the 17th century and booted it up the arse ...and born out of tragedy too,,stunning work.. .I also don’t think I’d have given this time of day 20 years ago I’m definitely maturing finally

Fairport Convention “Liege & Lief” 1969
