Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Just jumping on the Frank Ocean train. I enjoy Channel Orange, some really great songs on there IMO. I bought Blond from his site and by the time it arrived to me those things were worth their weight in gold. I streamed it and thought it was ok, but the record is still sat on my shelf sealed. I bought Endless from his store when he released it and have listened to that a few times, imo its ok. Basically I like his music but wouldn't rank him in my top lists. I get the hype though.
Anybody pick up Dolly's Jolene in the "sale" last month and receive it or have it shipped?
I havent had any tracking for my copy (or any others that I have ordered, inc the ROTMs). I emailed CS a week ago and got an automatic/generic email yesterday to say they haven't forgotten about me and will respond soon. Fingers crossed.
I havent had any tracking for my copy (or any others that I have ordered, inc the ROTMs). I emailed CS a week ago and got an automatic/generic email yesterday to say they haven't forgotten about me and will respond soon. Fingers crossed.
I emailed info@ on Friday morning and had a response by early afternoon that my Otis and Stooges still had not shipped but should be out by this coming Friday.
I emailed info@ on Friday morning and had a response by early afternoon that my Otis and Stooges still had not shipped but should be out by this coming Friday.
Cheers buddy. I will wait until tomorrow evening then email again. I have lots of orders which I thought would of been ready by now.
Anyone seen the VMP standard email from Matt Fielder, i usually delete them immediately but noticed message and link from him (with some ref to “the community”
Funny thing was the link didnt work 😂

edit : content pasted.......

VMP’s mission has always been about exploring music together. It’s about how we, as humans are meant to experience life with one another, and a belief in music’s ability to unite us.
As I reflect on the gravity of our current state, I’m amazed at how the world has come together in this season of crisis. At the same time, I can’t help but think that we — the VMP community — have always been together, no matter the circumstances.
43 countries wide. More than 100,000 people deep.
We’re together — despite being on different continents, from different backgrounds, speaking different languages — under a shared understanding and belief in the power of music.
We’re together, through music.
I’ve been watching stories come in from members in places like Italy, France, China, and the United States. People saddened and deeply affected by the circumstances in different ways, but leaning on music and each other as a way to inoculate themselves against isolation. All of a sudden, the power of a box of records goes well beyond what’s inside.
This is how we see our mission come to life. It’s how we determine success as a team.
We originally planned for this to be the first of a quarterly update series, and we’re excited to share those updates, but they feel so insignificant in comparison. We’re going to keep spinning — literally and figuratively. We’re going to continue to advance your experience as a member of this community. And we’re doing this with more conviction than ever before, because the world needs music. The world needsconnection.
However this crisis has affected you, we hope that you can keep spinning as well.
Matt Fiedler
Vinyl Me, Please,
CEO, Co-Founder

edit. 2:
Links working now but took a few hours.
Holy shit this is cringeworthy.
I havent had any tracking for my copy (or any others that I have ordered, inc the ROTMs). I emailed CS a week ago and got an automatic/generic email yesterday to say they haven't forgotten about me and will respond soon. Fingers crossed.

Have you tried texting?
Thinking of using that coupon on either Labi or Yves Tumor . After the first listen that Labi starts off real strong then seemed a bit Yacht Rocky which isn’t a bad thing to me, it was just unexpected I thought it was going to be a pure funk album. Trying to pick between one of those 2 .
Thinking of using that coupon on either Labi or Yves Tumor . After the first listen that Labi starts off real strong then seemed a bit Yacht Rocky which isn’t a bad thing to me, it was just unexpected I thought it was going to be a pure funk album. Trying to pick between one of those 2 .

Tell me more about
Thinking of using that coupon on either Labi or Yves Tumor . After the first listen that Labi starts off real strong then seemed a bit Yacht Rocky which isn’t a bad thing to me, it was just unexpected I thought it was going to be a pure funk album. Trying to pick between one of those 2 .
I recommend you to purchase both of them as they are both such great albums! The first track on Labi Siffre “I Got The...” is a marvellous song! That track alone is worth the purchase, although the rest of the album is great too! Side B starts off with another Groovy, rich and seductive funky song, so at least the start of both sides has something funky and lavish to enjoy! 💃🕺🍾

Yves Tumor sophomore album is just exceptional! The bass, drums, guitars (especially on the sex-inducing, passionate, steamy Kerosene!) saxophones, trombones, strings - just the overall instrumentation of this record is incredibly impressive. To me, this is like a more experimental, sexier, futuristic version of Childish Gambino’s “Awaken, My Love”! The grooves on Heaven to A Tortured Mind are so tight yet pillowy and dreamy too! It’s a masterpiece! 🎺🎸🥁💎

So I say go ahead and use that coupon and grab both those exclusives! You definitely won’t regret it! I love both those exclusives so much! 🔥🔥🔥